Shavuot: From the Many to the One

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Shavuot: From the Many to the One

Monica Berg
Junho 6, 2022
Curtir 13 Comentários 1 Compartilhar

In the past 60 seconds, your body has undergone countless transformations. Your brain has received millions of bits of visual information, which are being processed (along with other sensory input) through countless neural mechanisms. Your heart has pumped around 80 times (an average resting number), sending 1.5 gallons through a complex network of blood vessels to deliver nutrients and oxygen throughout your body's 37+ trillion cells. Meanwhile, your lungs have processed 7-8 liters of air, and your digestive and endocrine systems, along with others, have performed millions of unseen exchanges--all in support of your existence!

And although many of these functions are involuntary, or autonomic, the breakdown of even one of them could cause a collapse of the entire system.

This is what unity looks like on a small scale. But on Shavuot (the 6th-7th of Sivan) and the days around it, the world of illusion and separation gives way to the grandest unity of all. Because on this date over 3400 years ago, the Light of the Creator was fully revealed to every nation in every language, ushering in what Rav Berg called the gift of all the secrets in the Universe. This was the dawn of unity consciousness, or Tselem (which translates roughly to mean "in the image of the Creator”).

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