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Pushing Forward

Ruth Nahmias
Setembro 19, 2017
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Month of Libra and Early 2018 Overview 

Last month’s total solar eclipse still holds significant power and it will continue to do so in the months ahead. It is especially powerful over the first ten days of September. Current transits (similar to the ones during the eclipse) re-stimulate the hard degree of the August solar eclipse. In astrology, every moment matters. The cosmic clock is ticking, as planets continue in motion and form patterns. They can provide us with meaning or a message, individually and globally. We are currently witnessing the incredible power of Mother Nature with out-of-control fire, wind, and water, including spectacular storms on all sides of the world. 

For the month ahead, the planet Mercury (now in direct motion) will conjunct Mars, pushing us to move forward. What needs to change? Ask yourself, what new spiritual and physical routines must I now adopt? In which areas should I step up and take more responsibility? 

Jupiter (the planet of expansion) in late Libra opposes Uranus (the planet of unpredictability) in Aries, forming a T-square (hard aspect) to Pluto (the soul level). On the up side, this puts an emphasis on liberating ourselves from old patterns. Conversely, it also puts a cloud of danger over this month. Mercury (communication) and Mars (manifestation and the planet of conflicts) are astrologically provoked this month. This can lead to arguments, aggression, volatility, accidents, or a tendency to suddenly snap on both a personal and global level. (We will hear more about ongoing and unstable situations, i.e. North Korea, hurricanes, chemical plant fires, etc.) This is a time when we could easily take a detour from the practical path. If we’re mindful, however, this can be a period in which we finally gain the courage to break from a restrictive situation, belief, or attitude. THIS is the month to reveal our potential.        

On a side note, interestingly, Hurricane Harvey has some eye-catching correlations with Hurricane Katrina, the costliest hurricane in US history. They both wrought maximum destruction at more or less the same time and place. Is the universe repeating its message? Are we listening? They occurred 12 years apart. Astrologically speaking, Jupiter’s cycle is 12 years long. What do we notice about Jupiter’s cycle? In essence, the start of a Jupiter cycle represents the opening of a whole new learning period. Likewise, it opens us up to higher order thinking and doing from a soul and physical level. How interesting to receive this message before the start of the new kabbalistic year, Rosh Hashanah!

This takes us to the New Year of 2018/5778, where the planet Jupiter and the planet Uranus play a big role. Jupiter will move into the sign of Scorpio on October 10th, 2017 and Uranus will move into Taurus in May of 2018. Uranus moving into this sign is once in a lifetime for some of us, as it has an 84-year cycle! Major moves! With these two planets changing, “destiny” is in our hands; manifestation will be the priority. They represent what role WE have to play in the world, hence the strong energy. These planets will be a calling for leadership and, most importantly, the inspiration to create a better future. With Jupiter entering Libra, we can expect important political changes and development, as well as abrupt separations. While Uranus in Aries brought a need for freedom, and change of patriarchal systems in the world, Uranus entering Taurus will bring a greater focus on the need to “upgrade” and build stronger foundations – to dig up the past, to reveal and create something special. 

Chodesh tov and shana tova everyone! 


