Becoming a Spiritual Shark

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Becoming a Spiritual Shark

Karen Berg
Fevereiro 11, 2013
Curtir 1 Comentários Compartilhar

Johnny Cash, Michelangelo, Albert Einstein, Nat King Cole, W.H. Auden—these are just a few of the famous Pisceans that have changed our planet with their creativity and intellect.

This shouldn't surprise you if you know a little about the zodiac. One of the major characteristics of those born under the sign of Pisces is their ability to touch the outskirts of reality, often the source of brilliance and inventiveness. There they also find a huge capacity for empathy and an ability to intuitively feel situations and people.

Still, as with everything in this universe, there is a duality with the Piscean. Though brilliant and in tune with the world beyond the five senses, a Pisces sometimes has a hard time balancing this depth with the practicality of everyday life.

On the one hand, Pisceans can be completely caring and clairvoyant, but on the other hand, they can disassociate themselves from reality. When they retreat to their own world, it is difficult for them to engage with the rest of us, and what follows is a tendency towards feelings of victimhood.

Oftentimes when life throws them for a loop, instead of saying, "OK, this is the situation, so onwards and upwards," Pisceans tend to want to swim away from the situation. Instead of facing reality head-on, they tend to lose any motivation to engage with others in the here-and-now.

The cosmic energy of each zodiac sign affects us all, whether we are born in that sign’s month or not, so the test for each of us this month is related to facing up to reality. We need to ask ourselves two questions: How much can we really take responsibility for our situations? When difficulties arise, will we be able to resist the temptation to fall prey to feelings of victimhood?

As I mentioned in my new book, To Be Continued: Reincarnation and the Purpose of Our Lives, once we understand that the spark of the Creator is in all of us, then we can never be victims. But this means we must welcome the responsibility for making the only real choice that life offers us: growth or no growth. Accepting the role of a victim implies that there is no Light. Accepting the role of a victim denies the very existence of God's spark.

Everything that happens in our lives happens as part of a larger process. Sometimes we need to lose ourselves completely in order to find a better life that we never could have imagined for ourselves.

The sign of Pisces is represented by fish—not just one fish but two fish facing opposite directions. This month, we must decide which type of fish we want to be. Do we want to be the shark that controls the sea? Or do we want to remain a guppy, shirking difficulties and hiding behind reeds and stones?

To be a shark doesn't mean that we want to kill all the other fish; it does mean, however, that we want to be able to control the sea. Luckily for us this month, that control is within our power. All we have to do is resist the temptation to fall into thoughts such as "I can’t do this" or "why is this happening to me," and instead to always be looking for the proactive next steps that we can take to reveal more Light in this world.
