Astrology Forecast for March 18-24, 2018

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Astrology Forecast for March 18-24, 2018

Yael Yardeni
Março 18, 2018
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We are only days away from the full moon of Aries, the wholly day of Pesach! Rav Berg called Pesach a “wholly day,” with an emphasis on WHOLE—meaning complete, and including everyone. Let’s get ready to receive an abundance of Light and freedom from limitations.

"Rav Berg called Pesach a 'wholly day'."

Right now we are all feeling more and more cosmic pressure, as we count down the first 12 days of lunar Aries, which help us influence the coming 12 months of the zodiac year. Each day we do a specific meditation to inject positivity into the corresponding month. So, from now on we need to get ourselves into best-behavior mode to prevent us from catching any “spiritual viruses!”

In the cosmos, an increasing number of planets are slowly positioning themselves in fiery Aries. And the chart’s rising is now in Libra. It seems the cosmos is both polarized and double right now! Libra is chill and calm and would rather pacify. Aries, on the other hand, is a lot more agitated and confrontational.

A particular feature requires our attention: the Black Moon, or the dark side of the moon. Located in the sign of Capricorn, this week it is cunjunct with Mars, the ruler of this month. Traditionally, the Black Moon represents an opening to all doubts, and klipot, or shells of negativity. In Capricorn, it triggers our feelings of lack, and brings intense situations from our past to the forefronts of our minds. It may feel as if we are emotionally reliving these difficult situations just when we thought we understood them all.

"To those who have hurt you in the past, be sure to not give them your future."

Now, we all are well aware of how hard it might be to forgive and forget, to get to a state of tabula rasa—a clearing up of painful feelings and conclusions. Jupiter comes to our aid as it is now retrograde in Scorpio and will push us towards a spiritual detox. At this time we can travel back to past events related to loss or even to money, which we feel are poisoning us and decide to let them go. As kabbalists would often say, to those who have hurt you in the past, be sure to not give them your future. Care should be taken to be really tactful in matters of relationships and money. We are best off staying calm overall and more financially conservative.

This week is extremely important, since it will influence our whole year to come! Let’s find time for positive self-reflection, self-correction, and some calm and analytic Libra energy. Clearing the confusion created by the past is a liberating feeling, and can enlighten our entire year. In fact, kabbalists explain that during the month of Aries, or the month of the ram, all the battles of the year are decided.

In short, we need to put the ram in a good cage and domesticate him. One positive action accomplished and one less bit of karma to deal with!
