Astrology Forecast for the Month of Gemini 2017

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Astrology Forecast for the Month of Gemini 2017

Yael Yardeni
Maio 23, 2017
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On Thursday night, we enter the Gemini lunar zone. Finally! The New Moon’s chart is packed with air and fire—all ready to go! Three planets are already in Gemini, including the power planet, Mars.

The strongest cosmic message is definitely networking and communication. This whole month, we should take it upon ourselves to optimize opening up to new ideas and to others. However, since the chart’s rising is Capricorn, it’s important to me mindful of when is the right time to express ourselves.

In fact, the key to understanding the sign of Gemini is the word, speech. A great kabbalist by the name of Onkelos once said something akin to, “Man is the animal who can talk.” What a strange statement! All animals can surely communicate, but here the emphasis is on speech. This is the very reason both Gemini and Virgo months, ruled by the same star, are very important time zones.

When we take a closer look, animals represent most of the zodiac. It’s a jungle out there! The ram, the bull, the goat, the crab—the only signs including humans are Gemini and Virgo, both ruled by Mercury, the carrier of knowledge and messenger of the planets.

Humans are born to speak, communicate, unite groups, and spread understanding. And that’s exactly the energy revealed this month. Our teacher, Rav Berg stressed the idea that Gemini is the center of the central column energy—the Light of restriction, which is only proper to mankind. This is also the reason why this month was cosmically chosen to carry the Light of Shavuot and the revelation of the ten utterances, like the ten sentences God used to create the world in the Book of Genesis.

We are all familiar with the phrase magicians use, ABRA KADABRA, which is actually Aramaic for, Let it be created in accordance to my words.

Famous Geminis who fully used their speaking powers include Anne Frank, John F. Kennedy, Che Guevara, Henry Kissinger, Bob Dylan, Thomas Mann, Blaise Pascal, Clint Eastwood, and more.

Our spiritual goals for the month are:

  • Control your speech.
  • Bring real depth to all learning.
  • Commit and follow through with promises.
  • Choose ONE goal to focus on and accomplish.
  • Recognize your mistakes.
  • Helping others is more important than knowledge.

Chodesh tov to everybody!

