Astrology Forecast for October 30 – November 5, 2016

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Astrology Forecast for October 30 – November 5, 2016

Yael Yardeni
Outubro 30, 2016
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Hi everyone! This week, it's raining cats and dogs!

My friends, the cosmos is flooded with seven water planets. No wonder Noah had to build an ark at this time of the year! OMG… It's been a while since we had that much water in the cosmos! Picture this: four Scorpio planets, three Pisces planets, and of course, the rising Gemini—thank God! Our only choice is tissues or umbrellas!

On a more serious note, the planets form a grand square, which introduces a very edgy and obstinate energy in the cosmos. We can expect to bump into very grumpy people this week. We may also feel a bit of the "Don Quixote" syndrome, like we’re trying to wage a war against windmills!

Let's start with our basic survival kit: stay cool, and do not confront or argue. It’s better to place ourselves in a position of an observer, because, my friends, we are likely to witness the best and worst of human behavior this week! We'll begin with how to handle the worst and we'll end with the most amazing gift this week has in store for us.

First, the moon, Uranus (retrograde in Aries), and Pluto form a T-square, which also involves Mars (also conjunct with Pluto!). This combo has a lot to do with control, and unfortunately, it is sometimes associated with violence. Therefore, it is best to not engage in conflicts. To the contrary, when witnessing an argument, become mediators (the moon is still in Libra and will facilitate it); stay peacemakers. We just need to remember there are always two sides to a coin. It is best not to take any side this week and share wisdom instead.

The most worrisome part of this T-square transit is that it's affecting the entire planet. If a nation wants to turn against another nation, this is unfortunately the best cosmic time to do so. Our meditations should be oriented towards the world’s leaders. May they choose peace, not war. One of the most proactive actions to undertake is to send positive energy to cancel negative decrees and conflicts, particularly in the most volatile places in the world. We also need to consider the possibility of environmental challenges this week, since Uranus controls the oceans, so please add a calm Mother Earth to your meditations.

Our beloved teacher, Rav Berg has taught us that mankind has the power to control everything. Believe it or not, we humans are responsible for all the other kingdoms: animal, vegetable, mineral, and even the kingdom of angels! It is our spiritual job to supply energy and care to the rest of the universe.

It is said that the first man, Adam, was created with atoms from all the different kingdoms so he would have more affinities and compassion for them, and would feel that they are a part of him. This is the perfect week to reflect on that and lend a hand to better our environment. It's about time to make the cosmos feel we are giving it the respect it deserves.

So, what’s the good news?

The amazing gift of this week, as promised, is the New Moon of Scorpio, which is considered THE most powerful day of the year. It starts Monday night and will last until Wednesday. Let's make every possible effort to connect with this incredible energy, which will help us cancel any future "floods" in our lives—whether it’s a personal meltdown, a world conflict, or an environmental challenge.

Look for a local Kabbalah Centre, or go online ( to stream the New Moon, Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan.

Next week, we will talk about our lovely Scorpio friends and give them a good kabbalistic roast, as usual!

In the meantime, remember the “butterfly effect” theory and keep calm! Have a wonderful week!


