Astrology Forecast for October 26 - November 1, 2014
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Astrology Forecast for October 26 - November 1, 2014

Yael Yardeni
Outubro 26, 2014
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Hi Everyone! We have another great opportunity for spiritual work this week. Let’s gaze at the world’s chart to discover more secrets.

First of all, the most noticeable fact is that we have five planets in Scorpio this week. OMG! This is it! We are finally hit hard by Scorpio—the martial energy of the month. It’s official—we are swimming in boiling water!

At the start of the week, the moon is in the tail end of Scorpio and is afflicted by Saturn, which is, of course, still in Scorpio. Venus, the sun, and the vertex are all in Scorpio, while Mercury is still grumpily going retrograde in Libra. Uranus, Pluto and Mercury are engaged in an infamous T-square, which adds to the cosmic tension, especially in regards to communication, transport, and technology. So guys, patience and more patience is on the menu! Be prepared for some misunderstandings, delays when traveling, and unhappy computer systems!

Our saving grace: the rising of the chart is in light Gemini. Thank God for this gift! Whatever happens, at least we will find a quick plan B!

For most of this week the intensity of Scorpio is likely to bring an ocean of super repressed feelings and emotions to the surface, leaving us overwhelmed with all the data. However, every challenge comes with a blessing, and in many ways, this process is destined to liberate us.

We may suddenly see various emerging and "strange" emotions we were completely unaware of until today, for example, jealousy (Really? Me? A jealous person?), a pinch of paranoia (I knew it! People don’t love me), envy, or fear. We may also find our feelings become too intense or we suddenly are very impatient with the mistakes and flaws of others. This is likely to occur with family members and close ones specifically.

Let's not panic! We are not bad people! Bad thoughts happen to good people all the time.

These feelings emerge in order to be released in the healthiest way possible. Think of a fridge you haven’t opened for years and years. How do you think it will smell when you open and clean it? But this cleansing is vital to our spiritual growth!

According to the legend, King David was a very brave warrior and a Scorpio. (Big surprise!) When we read the Psalms though, we discover his doubts, his love, his confessions, and heartfelt submissions to the Light! It’s a bit like imagining Attila the Hun writing poetry! No way, right? But King David did.

Scorpio energy, as it happens, is THE most authentic Light we can find, and we find it under layers of darkness. When the cosmos pushes all our buttons, we need to go within. Jupiter in Leo is in the 4th house. This week, the biggest blessing will be for us to go deep into our hearts and seek to heal.

So, a few homework assignments are essential:

1) Write a letter of forgiveness to someone who has hurt you. No need to send it if you don't feel like it.

2) Make a list of all the things you never dared to tell anyone, or actions that you are ashamed of. Then pick one thing and share it with someone you really love and trust.

3) To better deal with the current cosmic boiler room, how about registering for a kickboxing class, or simply practicing a sport or a meditation more intensively?

This is THE week to go deep, to open up our hearts and let go of the many hurts from our past, especially from our childhood years. All it requires from us is to flow with the cosmic wave that is available right now.

Let the healing begin!

To be continued...


