Astrology Forecast for May 7-13, 2017

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Astrology Forecast for May 7-13, 2017

Yael Yardeni
Maio 10, 2017
Curtir Comentários Compartilhar

Hi everyone! Welcome to the second week of lunar Taurus!

Thank God! This week promises to be a little lighter energetically than last week.

The current energies are surprisingly very fiery. The rising of the chart is Sagittarius and three planets are in Aries. At the beginning of the week the moon is in Libra.

OMG, air and fire in the Taurus month! The world just became topsy-turvy!

What does it mean?

The key word that immediately comes to mind is “grounding.” Let’s ground ourselves; after all, we are in Taurus! Whatever happened to healing, meditating, and centering ourselves? This week, what we really need is a good anchor since all the mutable planets are creating restlessness, impatience, and a lack of commitment with the attitude: “I already know!” (Sagittarius energy, anyone?)

What we would ideally love to do, Sagittarius style, would be to let everything go, run away, forget worries and solutions, and find ourselves a circle of great friends, a glass of wine, and let our lives flow this way forever, especially since Mars is in social Gemini right now! Alas, this week, the cosmos is hitting us with many truths we really do not want to hear. No tact added—Sagittarius and Aries style!

Since the moon is in Libra, a very funny phenomenon occurs: every time we think we really get a situation under control, the cosmos proves us wrong by showing us the other side of the coin. Additionally, all irresponsible behaviors are highlighted for us this whole week with a fluorescent marker. Ouch!

Of course, Saturn, our famous IRS worker in retrograde Sagittarius, happily reminds us of past negligence. I can guarantee one thing this week—we are very far away from any Taurus comfort zone and we need a very good dose of anchoring!

So what is our plan of attack?

The first homework assignment is to take serious notes of our surrounding comments. Contrary to the strong Gemini/Sagittarius “guillotine” energy, we need to internalize and listen to messages, not run away from them. Generally speaking, as our teacher Michael Berg taught us, this week is an amazing opportunity to truly take charge of our lives by owning our past mistakes and understanding ourselves a little better to re-orient our lives.

Our second mission this week is to take on a regular physical practice to help anchor ourselves, preferably a calm type of exercise like meditation, hiking, breathing exercises, reiki… you name it! Let’s not be afraid to go outside of the box!

The real cosmic message is to listen, re-balance, re-center, and better orient our energies and emotions, so we can truly understand ourselves better.

Since we are in the middle of the Omer period of time (a rather challenging time zone) I would suggest additional effort toward compassion and removing judgement. Anchoring ourselves will be a great help to that end.

This week’s savior for all of us is the 72 Name for accountability, mem nun kuf.

72 Name #66

Welcome all to the next level!

Have a wonderful week!


