Astrology Forecast for May 24-30, 2015

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Astrology Forecast for May 24-30, 2015

Yael Yardeni
Maio 24, 2015
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Hi Everyone! We’ve just finished a time of heavy energy brought about by the Omer.

This week begins with the cosmic event, Shavuot, which will allow each one of us to receive additional Light of certainty and continuity until the New Year (Rosh Hashanah). We are rising and shining, and ready for the next level of consciousness!

As we closely study the world’s chart we may be very surprised to find the moon and Jupiter conjunct in Leo, a total of six planets in fire signs, and practically no earth left in the cosmos. The air element is predominant, as well, with plenty of Gemini and Libra energies. Another important aspect: Saturn is opposed to the sun and Mars this week, so the chart feels like a stick of dynamite about to explode!

This cosmic cocktail is likely to create a very strong pull towards impulsive and self-centered behavior. For our first lesson, the universe reflects our actions back to us—actions we are not very proud of, for example, not listening to others. We are often so busy with our internal arguments and thoughts, that we do not hear others. It’s time to become more conscious of all the noise we have in our heads!

The presence of all the Leo and fire planets in the cosmos has us thinking: it's all about ME! Therefore, the universe will show us that way of thinking just doesn't work anymore. In fact, the "me, myself, and I" syndrome causes us to miss out on very important messages the cosmos has in store for us. The it’s-all-about-me attitude will really backfire this week.

Throughout the ages, kabbalists have advocated transforming the shortsighted "me" consciousness into a “we” consciousness. In Aramaic, the word for me, ani, written in reverse is ain, which literally means there is nothing. The cosmos does have a sense of humor! The brand new belief system the Light suggests these days is, "When it’s good for all of us, it's good for me."

At the same time, the universe is also urging us to ask some very important questions: How much space do we actually have in our hearts and in our lives for others? Who are we really? Are we distant souls who constantly seek freedom, discouraging people from sticking around too long? Or are we the opposite type—too entangled with our family and entourage? What are our boundaries?

We need to ask a question essential to our spiritual growth: How much distance still exists between ourselves and others? To what degree do we care about what is external from ourselves?

Someone once asked our teacher, Rav Berg, "Tell us, what does it mean to be a spiritual person according to Kabbalah?" He answered wisely, "A spiritual person is someone who removes the space between themselves and others. It’s as simple as that.” In other words the more effort we put towards constantly getting closer to others, while staying respectful of their boundaries, the more spiritual we will become. Too often, we allow space to enter and that space, explain the kabbalists, is where negativity enters—distance, indifference, anger, resentment, etc. This is definitely a great week to remove unnecessary space. This is the week to get closer, to show care, and take an interest in others.

On a different note, Mercury enters retrograde motion for three weeks! Remember to communicate as clearly and simply as you can, to listen very carefully, and to repeat everything at least twice.

As we mentioned earlier, Saturn is opposed to the sun and Mars, and it can create a climate of being accident prone, with some antagonism in our environment. It may feel that the elements are resisting us. No need to worry; just stay safe and be patient. It's recommended that we avoid taking unnecessary risks: no helicopters rides or cart racing for now!

Have a wonderful week of dialog, listening, and patience!


