Astrology Forecast for June 29 - July 5, 2014
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Astrology Forecast for June 29 - July 5, 2014

Yael Yardeni
Junho 29, 2014
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Hi everyone! Here we are, entering a brand new month, and saying goodbye to Gemini! On June 27, the New Moon of Cancer appeared and the specific energy of the world’s chart shifted; this week is likely to feel very crabby indeed!

Let’s take a closer look at the New Moon aspects so we can better control and take advantage of the next 29 days.

The chart opens up with Leo rising and an equivalent amount of water and fire. Here comes the steam room… emotions run high, and so do our egos! Of course, as we mentioned previously, Mercury is still retrograde until July 2, so we also need to remain cautious with transportation and communications.

The most important trend of this New Moon is to really work on balancing our emotions. Actually, the New Moon’s chart is a bit of a jungle: the signs of Leo, Aries, Gemini, Cancer, and Pisces are all strongly present… in short, it feels like a real zoo!!

How on earth are we supposed to balance our act with such a chart? It seems a lot easier said than done!

The first piece of advice for the entire new month is to systematically look at both sides of the coin. Every situation needs to be perceived from all possible angles. It’s almost as if the cosmos was sending us to the gym and training us to be more accepting and tolerant of others; in other words, we are truly being stretched by the universe! This is a fantastic time to develop our intuition as well, through meditation of course, but also by simply connecting better to our “gut” instinct. What we feel deep in our belly is usually extremely accurate.

For the record, the sign of Cancer is not the easiest to handle. Our friends the Cancerians can be quite high maintenance, being the water side of all the water signs. Their emotions are similar to a tsunami! When their feelings arise, they are capable of creating a lot of chaos and destruction, especially for their surroundings. We need to feel very empathetic to them, especially this month; the way we feel now is precisely the way THEY feel 365 days a year!

Interestingly enough, many psychics and intuitives are born under this sign. The famous Helen Keller, a Cancer, was deaf AND blind and managed to overcome all the odds by becoming an activist and a prolific writer. Survivors by nature, Cancerians often choose (yes we do!) to be born to difficult and dysfunctional families in order to help themselves, on a soul level, overcome their emotional dependency.

The second very important opportunity for this new month is to work on overcoming our fears. Many kabbalists, in fact, associate fears with judgmental ways; the less judgmental we are of others, the less our fears will be.

Let us first ask: What’s so wrong with being judgmental? Are we supposed to just accept the way things are? Should we just become indifferent in every way? Kabbalists explain that, to the contrary, it is very important to know and recognize what isn’t good in us, in our own nature, and make some serious adjustments. What we aren’t supposed to do is spend our energy assessing and judging others. It says that if we had a choice on picking a tikun (a personal correction), every one of us would still choose the one we have. So, that’s the best lesson we can teach our friends the Cancerians (as well as ourselves) - that the grass is never greener anywhere else! Many of our fears also stem from negative experiences from the past and apprehension of what is going to happen next.

As I am posting from Hong Kong right now, I’d like to quote Lao Tzu, a Chinese philosopher.

He wrote:

“If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are peaceful, you are living in the present.”

We’ve got plenty to do this New Moon, but one thing is sure: great opportunities are presented to us for amazing growth!

Have a very intuitive and peaceful week!

To be continued…


