Astrology Forecast for December 4-10, 2016

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Astrology Forecast for December 4-10, 2016

Yael Yardeni
Dezembro 5, 2016
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This week (and month!) starts optimistically with six celestial bodies in fire, four already in Sagittarius (the sun, the moon, Saturn, and Mercury), and a lot of air (Gemini rising, Mars and mid-heaven in Aquarius). A total of ten bodies are mutable! The cosmos is pushing us to make changes—big time!

Fire and air make this month a very intellectually stimulating one. In fact, the cosmos is pushing us to be curious, to ask questions, and to look forward to being with people. The seventh house, the house of the “other,” is the strongest, so we need to be more careful of how we communicate with others. We should really stop and LISTEN to avoid the I-know- better -than -you syndrome.

The mutable planets will make us feel unsettled with a bit of ADD this whole month. At least there is movement in the air! The whole month is not very “emotion friendly.” We are better off converting our energies, and projecting them outward toward proactive goals. This is a great month to explore possibilities.

The difficult aspects are the three T-squares, all of which involve the north node, the moon, and Neptune—a very karmic combo. We may feel a sense of real déjà vu in our lives. This experience is really just waves of deep understanding.

However, globally there is a significant feeling of uncertainty. External events could be interpreted in a lot of different ways, and we are unsure of what to make of them. There could be political scandals, as well.

Due to the position of Neptune in the T-squares, there are risks of floods, problems at sea, or with boats. Care should be taken when traveling, as Saturn sometimes creates obstacles, and Mars is in unexpected Aquarius. So, have patience.

A little note about our fellows, the Sagittarians…

They are ruled by Jupiter, the biggest planet of the solar system—the one that balances all the orbits of the planets.

Sagittarians are very happy people who often wake up with the sunrise, ready for anything. They are adventurers in many ways, with no desire whatsoever to control anything in their lives!

The Sag is renowned for his spontaneity and caustic sense of humor. Though, they are also sometimes known for their terrible lack of tact and responsibility; the Sag is a typical last kind of guy! They want to take a bite out of life and are not the most mature people we have ever encountered.

According to many astrologers, the United States would be Sagittarius rising. We should remember the gold rush of the Wild West to support this theory. In a way, the Sag is the cowboy of the zodiac! Think: Billy the Kid!

Sagittarians make great teachers since their intellect is dominant. They are the air of the fire, the most intellectual of all the fire signs. The air component causes many Sagittarians to have commitment issues. This is particularly true for romantic relationships—some Sagittarians are famous for their inclination to run after every skirt!

Their honesty fluctuates—not every Sagittarian is as honest as we think. Some are great gamblers and very clever thieves or swindlers! Think real figures in the mafia. Joseph Stalin was a Sagittarian!

Sagittarians get excited at every new concept and learning opportunity, and usually own complete bookcases of self-improvement books. We call them the “spiritual surfers” of the zodiac. Unfortunately, they often lack the patience to pursue their studies to the end, and just roam the surface of all kind of topics.

Since their ruler is giant Jupiter, they tend to do things in excess, like drinking, eating, dating, working, having fun, gambling, etc. Many Sagittarians are fearless adventurers and great sportsmen. They are easily recognizable by the way they walk: always with a target, always in a hurry. Charming in appearance, they often have laughing and childlike eyes.

They are better off as consultants or freelancers, rather than in a specific frame (authorities… hmmmm!). And they often choose careers as intellectuals (for example: Woody Allen) or journalists fighting for a great cause. Many talented photographers are Sagittarians because of their sharp eye. They travel a lot in their lifetime.

All Sagittarians are known for their love of animals (Frank Sinatra) and their desire to rescue whales in the Pacific. And they are great with kids.

Their physical weaknesses are the thighs, tendons, and muscles—which they always pull—as well as the liver. Anger can often overwhelm them.

Spiritual Goals for Sagittarius:

  • Accepting frames
  • Life is hard work
  • Be continuous and regular
  • Organization will help you achieve more
  • Gain commitment
  • Learn accountability
  • Stop knowing everything!

Chodesh tov everyone!


