Astrology Forecast for August 9-15, 2015

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Astrology Forecast for August 9-15, 2015

Yael Yardeni
Agosto 9, 2015
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Hi Everyone! This week, a brand new marathon begins! Yay! It seems like the cosmos never rests, doesn’t it?

This race will take us all the way to the cosmic New Year, or the New Moon of Libra, which kabbalists call Rosh Hashanah (literally, head of the year). From a kabbalistic point of view, there are seven weeks between the 9th of Av (remember, this is THE most challenging day of the year!) and Rosh Hashanah. During this time, we prepare ourselves, spiritually, emotionally, and physically, in order to cleanse and recreate ourselves with a brand new Light and energy for the year ahead.

Metaphorically, our souls are like rechargeable batteries. And the time to recharge is during the two days of the cosmic New Year. Most of us will receive enough energy for the entire year to come, though unfortunately, some of us will only be recharged for a short period of time.

In order for the charge to be maximized, we must use the seven weeks prior to Rosh Hashanah to cleanse and prepare a new "me," or a new vessel (as the kabbalists would say), so we can receive a much stronger energy for the year to come.

So, what is this week’s chart like? First of all, we have five WATER planets this week! Oh my, the ocean is back! The rising of the chart is in compassionate Pisces, along with Chiron the healer, also in Pisces, right at the chart’s ascendant.

But wait, there’s more – Saturn is still in Scorpio, and Mars, the warrior, is at the tail end of Cancer.

On a positive note, Saturn will give us more power and direction, since it is no longer retrograde but direct. This is great for spiritual work: Saturn is located in the 8th astrological house – the house of life and death and our transformational path –the house of Scorpio. This is definitely a great position for a recreation of the self.

On one hand, the cosmos is showing us everything that isn’t working for us and others. Masks are slowly falling off and we can see the true agendas of the people around us. For some of us, it may feel like a rude awakening. OMG, why didn’t I see this coming?

Our belief systems about people, life in general, and the meaning of our lives need to collapse, and brand new ones must be slowly implemented. Don’t worry, we have until Rosh Hashanah to do so.

On the other hand, the mixture of water and fire is guiding us to avoid extreme behaviors.

When you think about it, even the laws of physics are showing us the true intentions of the universe. We know, for example, that pressure will always move from high to low and water will seek to fit the vessel it is in. Conversely, if a species unfortunately becomes extinct, all of nature’s balance is in jeopardy.

The universe is showing us the best way to central column energy: the energy of pure restriction.

Since the moon is in opposition to Saturn in Scorpio, it gives us strength to restrict the most extreme of our feelings. The moon symbolizes inner feelings and reactive nature. Saturn is the restrainer, the planet that says, Stop right there!

So, how can we harness this energy on a practical level?

1) Avoid drama! We are all drama addicts!

Observe the situation and simply draw conclusions. Start writing them down – what worked, what did not work, what was fake, what was real. Ideas on how to rebuild will slowly come to us too, and we will feel like the great architect of our lives.

2) On a more universal note, we need everyone's good energies and meditations to cancel bloodshed all around the globe. Uranus is in retrograde, Aries is squaring Pluto, Pluto is opposed to Mercury – this can create a lot of cosmic imbalance, with more social tensions appearing around us.

The good news is we can re-empower everything! Remember, every positive action we do affects the whole universe. When we detach from wrong situations or people, we free all the good that exists in us.

Phew! That’s quite a beginning to our seven-week countdown!

Remember, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” ~Martin Luther King

Have a great and transformative week!


