Astrology Forecast for 5776 (2015-2016)

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Astrology Forecast for 5776 (2015-2016)

Yael Yardeni
Setembro 13, 2015
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Hi Everyone! First of all, I want to wish everyone a wonderful cosmic New Year. May it be filled with love and endless Light for the coming year!

This week, let’s have a quick overview of the year to come. As we know, the chart of the day of Rosh Hashanah shows us the general trend of what to expect this year. And so, (big surprise) many planets are still in Virgo at the start of the year. Practically speaking, Rosh Hashanah is the new moon of Libra, and according to the kabbalists, it’s the birthday of mankind – the day Adam was created!

All mankind is ruled by Libra. No wonder we are all a bit confused about right and wrong! What we don’t expect in the new moon of Libra is its planets are still in the previous sign, critical and thorough Virgo. Moreover, the chart contains tons of Aries: the rising is Aries, Uranus of course, and the moon south node, which creates a bundle of very fiery energy for the year.

With Virgo and Aries together we may see immediate cause and effect! If we act impulsively this year (Aries) chaos will immediately follow (Uranus, south node), and we will have to clean it up immediately (Virgo)!

Simply put, the chart is about order, reason, listening to our inner Jiminy Cricket, taking responsibility for our behaviors, and completely avoiding negative confrontation and childish reactivity. We are all guilty of that!

Venus and Mars in Leo encourage us to take responsibility this year and be a true inspiration to others. The strongest astrological house is the sixth house this year – the house of service, sharing, and giving ourselves more in order to help society and our friends.

Unfortunately, on the world scale, many planets in Aries and Virgo can accentuate conflicts, violence, and war. The kabbalists teach that the world's balance and destiny are on either side of Libra’s scale.

One soul can tip the scale toward peace or chaos.

This year, we all want to be the enlightened souls that will bring global peace.

For this whole upcoming week, our consciousness should be to look within and serve as much as we can.

Don't forget, you can connect with your local Kabbalah Centre at one of our locations or by streaming the connections online during the two days of the New Year (September 14th and 15th).

To be continued…

Shana tova!


