30 Days of Kind Words

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30 Days of Kind Words

Karen Berg
Agosto 27, 2014
Curtir 1 Comentários Compartilhar

According to the Kabbalists, Virgo is a month of spiritual cleansing specifically designed to give us the opportunity to press the "backspace button" on the negative things that we may have done or said in the past year. (More on the month of Virgo here)

In this spirit, I would like to invite you to join me in 30 Days of Kind Words. For the next 30 days, from today until the first day of Rosh Hashanah, let’s use our words to only speak well of others. If we mention a person in a conversation let’s find something nice to say or chose to say nothing at all.

Words are one of the most powerful tools granted to humankind: We can use them to elevate, enrich, and nurture life around us or we can use them destroy, separate, and perpetuate hatred. It is said that there are angels that write down all of the words we say on a daily basis. Then, at Rosh Hashanah (the two days that mark the beginning of the new year for humanity), all our words are weighed out for the negative and positive, and our coming year mapped out accordingly.

We have no idea the amount of good we can bring to ourselves and others for the coming year by simply embarking on this little exercise. How difficult can it be right? Say only nice things and it will all come back to you in buckets.

The world right now is shrouded in darkness, with patches all over the world. Each one of us is a candle with the light of our souls. While one candle can bring a small amount of light to a darkened room, thousands and millions of candles can eliminate darkness completely. Through our own efforts to be careful to choose only positive words when we speak of others and to extend ourselves on behalf others, even in small ways, we can bring more positivity to a world desperately in need of it.

If you would like, share this message with a friend…when we give something we appreciate with those we love, it is so much more fulfilling then keeping it to ourselves.
