Batsheva Shouster
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Batsheva Shouster

Born in Jerusalem, Batsheva Shouster studied theology and the Bible at university. Upon her introduction to the Kabbalah Centre, she was immediately drawn to the kabbalists’ vision of removing chaos from the world.

After two years of studying Kabbalah, Batsheva left her job as a press photographer for a newspaper in Israel, where she traveled to India, Africa, and all over Europe, to become a full-time volunteer of the Kabbalah Centre.

Twelve years later, Batsheva is a teacher devoted to helping her students achieve happiness and fulfillment. Batsheva has touched thousands of lives, not only as a teacher, but also a researcher, translator and class coordinator in Kabbalah Centres worldwide.  As a kabbalistic astrologer, Batsheva is available for personal astrology charts and readings.

Passionate about ending abuse and violence, particularly against children, and about ending pollution in the air and the ocean, Batsheva’s vision for the world is that all people may have the opportunity to live a healthy life.

Batsheva currently lives in Brazil with her husband, also a Kabbalah Teacher, and their children.

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