Pinchas: The Secret of Transforming Negativity to Light
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Pinchas: The Secret of Transforming Negativity to Light

Pubblicato: Luglio 31, 2024
Registrato originalmente: Luglio 27, 2024

Mi piace 14 Commenti Condividi

Punti salienti della Lezione

Note: Please open the attached handout for reference while viewing this lesson.

  • The secret of prayer: turning bitterness into sweetness
  • Transforming Tzara, representing any type of trouble, lack, disease or difficulty into Retze, representing a complete connection to the desire of the Light of the Creator
  • A fixing of the Hebrew letters Reish, Tzadik and Hei
  • Meditating on the Tetragrammaton, Yud-Kei-Vav-Kei, the Name of God representing the complete revelation of the Light of the Creator
  • 3 other types of revelation that we connect to anytime we are experiencing a challenge:
    • In front of the Light - Tet-Dalet-Hei-Dalet: The Name where the letters are in front of the Yud-Kei-Vav-Kei
    • Behind the Light - Kav-Vav-Zayin-Vav: The Name where the letters are behind the Yud-Kei-Vav-Kei
    • Not even close to the Light - Mem-Tzadik-Pei-Tzadik: The Name where the letters are the complete opposite of the Yud-Kei-Vav-Kei
  • Injecting the Light of the Creator into the 3 aspects of fragmentation for transforming any challenge

Descrizione della Lezione

Michael shares an ancient tool of the kabbalists that Pinchas used for transforming darkness into Light. He recommends that we use this powerful secret as often as possible, especially during the 3 negative weeks, so that we may have the power and ability to transform Tzara (any trouble, lack, or difficulty) into Retze (a complete connection with the desire of the Light of the Creator).

Su questo Corso

A venerated healer, Pinchas was a biblical priest who was personally responsible for the removal of a plague that claimed 24,000 lives. According to the Zohar, Pinchas even restored the immune system in humankind. Shabbat Pinchas is globally revered for its unrivaled power to promote health and wellbeing. As we read the story of Pinchas, we tap into the reservoirs of healing energy that Pinchas himself channeled during his lifetime.

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