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Imparare a conoscere la nostra anima attraverso una carta astrologica aiuta a dare più significato e maggiore comprensione alle esperienze che affrontiamo, alle persone che conosciamo, al lavoro che facciamo e ai bivi sulla strada.
Sessioni personalizzate one-to-one con un insegnante per approfondire un’area che ti interessa o avere aiuto dove hai più bisogno. Gli incontri spaziano dalle relazioni al tikkun, allo studio profondo dello Zohar, tutti personalizzati appositamente per te.
La missione del Kabbalah Centre è quella di creare un cambiamento globale positivo. Attraverso la saggezza della Kabbalah, aiutiamo l’umanità a trasformarsi e a raggiungere il vero appagamento.
Each one of us has the job of elevating the light from the klipot, individually and collectively
The gifts of the soul are only available during darkness
It is okay to feel less energy after praying
Every day offers us many opportunities to elevate light
The key to elevating the sparks of light is feeling the challenge while avoiding reactivity regardless of the feelings
Rav Isaac Luria explains that every day there is a new elevation, that nothing is a waste of time, and that never is a helpless prayer or meditation
Age can come with a lack of hope and thinking that life is repetitive
There are no two moments that are the same
Every day’s effort prepares us for tomorrow
Elevating the sparks of Light from the food and drinks
In moments when we feel the darkness, it is our job to maintain love and kindness
It is not our job to fight darkness; we just need to feel it, to experience it, and give it compassion
Maintaining love for the spiritual effort
Finding the Light in challenges
Persevering with excitement in the spiritual work
The darkness becomes Light and the bitterness becomes sweet
Descrizione della Lezione
In this lesson, Eitan explains in a practical way how to elevate the sparks of light that we have given to the klipot through short-circuit, negativity and reactive behavior.
Su questo Corso
Every week comes with its own unique set of gifts, and if we are aware of the kind of energy available, we can see any obstacle as a gift to help us take a spiritual leap in our journey. In Kabbalah 4, we come together to share weekly inspiration on how to focus our thoughts and consciousness in order to grab the opportunities that come our way and plant a positive seed for the week to come. Join us as we delve into a variety of advanced kabbalistic teachings, and the works of great kabbalists such as the Ari, Rav Ashlag and Rav Berg. Discover how applying this wisdom to your daily life, relationships, and general interactions brings you to a higher level of joy and fulfillment.
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