Chayei Sarah: Finding the Golden Path for our Soul
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Chayei Sara
Consapevolezza dello Shabbat

Chayei Sarah: Finding the Golden Path for our Soul

Pubblicato: Novembre 26, 2024
Registrato originalmente: Novembre 23, 2024

Mi piace 17 Commenti Condividi

Punti salienti della Lezione

  • Living our life's mission is both difficult and a merit
  • Transforming being cursed to being on a very high spiritual level
  • Vowing and begging that our mission for this day and for our life is successful
  • Desiring to live on the golden path, the one in a thousand, that is meant for us
  • The vow that our soul made before entering the world and makes again every morning
  • Receiving support from the angels
  • Shortening time and space between us and our miracles
  • Receiving miracles and blessings that are beyond us

Descrizione della Lezione

Kabbalists teach that there are 1000 possible paths for our soul to take in life, but only one is the golden path that ensures we are living our soul's true mission. Join Michael as he reveals how we can find the true path of our soul and live the life that the Creator has prepared for us each day, so that we may receive support from the angels and see miracles and blessings in our life that would otherwise be impossible to find.

Studio continuativo

Michael recommends we memorize and recite these verses on a constant basis so that we may find the golden path for our soul's mission in life and on a daily basis:

The Prayer of King David, Psalms 32:6:

  • I want to find that one in a thousandth path for my soul today.
  • Hebrew (read from right to left): עַל זֹאת יִתְפַּלֵּל כָּל חָסִיד אֵלֶיךָ לְעֵת מְצֹא
  • English transliteration (from left to right): Al Zot Yitpalel Kol Chassid Eley'cha Le'et Metzo 

The Prayer of Eliezer, Genesis 24:42:

  • Please, Creator, make my mission successful as I am going into it.
  • Hebrew (read from right to left): אִם יֶשְׁךָ נָּא מַצְלִיחַ דַּרְכִּי אֲשֶׁר אָנֹכִי הֹלֵךְ עָלֶיהָ
  • English transliteration (from left to right): Im Yeshcha Na Matzliach Darki Asher Anochi Holech Aleya

Su questo Corso

La tua vita si misura dall'impatto che hai sul mondo. Questa settimana, agisci ed eleva la tua coscienza per avere un'influenza positiva duratura sugli altri.

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