Archangel Michael
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Angels, Creation and Connection

Archangel Michael

Pubblicato: Dicembre 9, 2024
Registrato originalmente: Giugno 11, 2024

Mi piace 56 Commenti 10 Condividi

Punti salienti della Lezione

  • Archangel Michael is a healer, the High Priest of the celestial realm. His color is bright white, his element is water, and his divine animal is the lion.
  • Archangel Michael teaches us about awe for the Light of the Creator
  • The power, gifts and attributes of Archangel Michael are:
    • Helping us to love ourselves, to forgive ourselves and to be a true sharing force in our own lives
    • Courage and bravery are some of his most notable attributes
    • Helping us  grow and evolve from difficult sitations
    • Brings us closer to the Creator, so we can remove any form of guilt from ourselves
    • Helps us remove doubts and separation from ourselves and from the Light of the Creator
    • Guides us to return to the love of the Creator by truly loving ourselves
  • The Light of the Creator is mercy first in Its essence, and Archangel Michael is sharing that energy of the Right Column with us, so we can overcome all fear, doubt and challenges

Descrizione della Lezione

Rachel Santo shares some relevant information from The Zohar about Archangel Michael, and explains that his most powerful attribute is bringing us closer to the pure essence of God within ourselves.

Su questo Corso

There is a divine structure to the universe, and kabbalists teach that angels are an integral part of this system, maintaining balance within the cosmos. They are the unseen forces that channel energy in its various forms from the Upper Worlds into our physical world. Angels guide us, send us messages, and intervene when necessary, working through us and around us. This powerful course of four lessons, teaches us about four main angels, and their relevance to the Three Column System. With an understanding of how angels influence our lives we are able to tap into them as an ever-present tool for spiritual transformation.

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