Tikkune Healing Workshop
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07:30 PM

Tikkune Healing Workshop

Webinar interattivo (Zoom)

Kabbalah teaches that our main purpose in life is to master our tikkune, or our process of correction, and thereby overcome our negativity. The first step in the process is identifying our tikkune so that we can begin to fulfill our purpose. Join us for an inspiring workshop as we help you identify and make a plan to break through your tikkune. We will explore childhood experiences to understand when and how limiting beliefs connected to our tikkune were formed. We will delve into what is keeping you attached to your limiting beliefs so you can see through it and let them go. We will empower you to see your true soul identity - who you really are – as opposed to your illusory ego identity. Through these and more exercises, you’ll learn how to drop the ‘same old story’ and feel energized to create a new narrative that is more aligned with your true self.


This month’s Tikkune Healing Workshop is all about BECOMING THE CREATOR OF YOUR LIFE. As we step into the new year, it’s easy to fall into patterns of reacting to life’s circumstances instead of shaping them proactively. But true transformation begins when we take responsibility for our journey—recognising our tikkune and stepping into our power to manifest change. This webinar will guide you to move beyond limiting beliefs, break free from the role of being an effect, and embrace your ability to co-create your life with the Light. Join us to discover how taking ownership can lead to lasting growth and fulfilment in the year ahead.

In this one-hour workshop, we will focus on how to:
🎇 Identify limiting beliefs that keep you reactive and disconnected from your power
🎇 Break free from patterns that make you an effect of life’s challenges
🎇 Embrace a proactive mindset as the foundation for manifestation and transformation
🎇 Discover tools to co-create your reality and become the architect of your life

*This is an interactive Zoom webinar
*A recording will be provided 24 hours after the workshop

Date(s): Martedi, Gennaio 14, 2025

Webinar interattivo (Zoom)

Presentato da: Kabbalah Centre London

Questa è una lezione online in diretta. Dopo l'iscrizione, riceverai una email con le istruzioni su come collegarti online. Raccomandiamo di iscriversi in anticipo per avere il tempo di ricevere questa email e scaricare il software necessario per collegarsi alla lezione.

Sessions: 1

Costo: GBP 15.00
Gratuito per i membri della Onehouse Community Premium

Insegnante(i): Mali Mizrahi

Lingua: Inglese