Tamar was born near Jerusalem, Israel, where she grew up until she joined The Kabbalah Centre as chevre in 2010. Since then, Tamar has served various roles in Centres all over the world, including Miami, Sao Paulo, Moscow, and, most recently, Canada.
Tamar first came to the Centre in search of a way to help others live a more meaningful and purposeful life. She was driven by a desire to change the world, and fortunately, a friend introduced her to the Centre in Tel Aviv. She was immediately drawn in when she discovered practical tools to cope with every situation one may encounter in life. Instead of being hopeless, the wisdom and results she found in studying Kabbalah showed that we can all become proactive and grow. Tamar has been using the wisdom of Kabbalah to help others transform their lives ever since. She lives with her husband and four children in Brazil.