Archangel Raphael
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Profundiza aún más en la sabiduría de la Kabbalah con una guía personalizada y lectura de carta astral.

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Angels, Creation and Connection

Archangel Raphael

Fecha de publicación: Diciembre 30, 2024
Fecha de grabación: Julio 2, 2024

Me gusta 9 Comentarios 1 Compartir

Conceptos destacados de la clase

  • Archangel Raphael is a healer and his energy color is green, his realm is the world of Malchut
  • Calling upon the assistance of Archangel Raphael before eating and drinking
  • The Light of the Creator has already healed and restored our body, and Archangel Raphael brings it to us
  • Requesting the power of Archangel Raphael to make healthy decisions about food and behavior
  • Every aspect of physical health starts and is based from our mental and spiritual wellbeing
  • The attributes and gifts that Archangel Raphael shares with us are:
    • Support and strength
    • Connection to the Sun
    • Purifying our food and drinks
    • Speaking only positive and kind words
    • Refraining from gossip and criticism

Descripción de la clase

In this lesson, we learn about the gifts and blessings that the attributes of Archangel Raphael shares with us. Kabbalists recommend calling upon Archangel Raphael before eating and drinking, and to request his assistance to draw upon us the spiritual healing from Light of the Creator.

Acerca de este curso

There is a divine structure to the universe, and kabbalists teach that angels are an integral part of this system, maintaining balance within the cosmos. They are the unseen forces that channel energy in its various forms from the Upper Worlds into our physical world. Angels guide us, send us messages, and intervene when necessary, working through us and around us. This powerful course of four lessons, teaches us about four main angels, and their relevance to the Three Column System. With an understanding of how angels influence our lives we are able to tap into them as an ever-present tool for spiritual transformation.

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