The Rise of Kabbalah
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The Rise of Kabbalah

Chaim Solomon
Octubre 13, 2016
Me gusta 1 Comentarios Compartir


Why and how was Kabbalah revealed to the world in 1995? ~KR


Dear KR,

Kabbalah has been around for thousands of years, since Rav Shimon Bar Yochai put the Zohar in writing. Rav Ashlag, the founder of the Kabbalah Centre, began the work of bringing Kabbalah to the public in the 1920s. His student and successor, Rav Brandwein continued the work upon the passing of Rav Ashlag in 1955. Rav Brandwein’s main student and successor was Rav Berg. Rav Berg and Karen Berg have truly opened the doors for anyone to study Kabbalah since the 1970s.

What I believe you are referring to is the fact that in the mid 1990s a number of Hollywood celebrities and executives began studying at the Kabbalah Centre in Los Angeles. At that point, many media outlets began to write articles about the Kabbalah Centre and our ‘famous’ students. So, the world became familiar with the Kabbalah Centre, Kabbalah in general, and the power Kabbalah has to transform people’s lives. That gave the Centre and Kabbalah a tremendous boost of attention.

The Kabbalah Centre shed light on the fact that once people achieve fame and success, all the things they think will bring happiness leave them unfulfilled. When you have everything you ever wanted and still DO NOT feel happy and fulfilled, what do you do? Record another song, make another movie, go on another vacation, buy another car, etc.? No. Celebrities began turning within themselves to find the source of lasting fulfillment. They turned to the most ancient and original source of spirituality—Kabbalah.

Thank you for allowing us to clarify this important point, KR.

Wishing you Light and blessings,

