The Rav
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The Rav

Karen Berg
Octubre 23, 2013
Me gusta 1 Comentarios Compartir

Last Thursday marked 30 days since the 12th day of the lunar month of Libra when my husband and our teacher, Rav Berg left this world. According to the kabbalists, on the 30th day after a person leaves this world, the soul reaches the most powerful place in its journey. I’m sure that from now on, we will be able to feel the Rav supporting the Kabbalah Centre as it moves forward with the spiritual work of awakening in everyone a respect for human dignity for all mankind.

The Rav was a special human being in more ways than one. He had a remarkable openness and kindness for the people around him and for the people that came to him. He opened himself to allow people in, regardless of where they came from or what their beliefs were.

To create what the Rav created takes great strength.

Think about it. How many of us have really chosen our path in life and followed through 100% to achieve it? Not many. Most of us do what we need to do, what we are told to do, and what is expected of us. The Rav, on the other hand, did the unexpected. He did what he wanted. He changed, and by changing himself, he changed the world, making it a better place because he existed. And now that he is in a place of strength together with other great kabbalists — including Rav Ashlag, Rav Shimon, and the Ari — he can open up even more gates for us.

We've heard that though the unity of all mankind, we can bring an end to the chaos in the world. But how are we going to achieve unity of all mankind? Obviously, there is more to this idea than meets the eye. Let’s look a little deeper. In terms of spiritual power, Moses was the equivalent of all the Israelites. What this means for us is that it doesn’t have to take everyone alive to change the world. It just has to take few of us to go out there and do it — just a few of us to have the courage, strength, knowledge, and love to create a place that says: "Yes, I can. I will do what I know in my heart is right for me and for all those around me."

There is a proverb that says: “When you were born, you were crying and everyone else was smiling. Live your life so at the end, you're the one who is smiling and everyone else is crying.”

I’m sure that this is what the Rav is telling us now: “Get to the work. You can’t sit around and you can’t be sad. It is the circle of life.”

The Rav exists today in every person he has touched and in every place he has been. The Rav exists today for all of us.
