Astrology Forecast for January 18-24, 2015

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Astrology Forecast for January 18-24, 2015

Yael Yardeni
Enero 18, 2015
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Hi everyone! First, I want to wish everybody a wonderful new month of Aquarius; on Tuesday night and Wednesday we will be entering a new time zone of airy (but fiery!) Aquarius.

This week’s chart mantra is definitely inspiration and vision! Many planets are in Pisces and Sagittarius, both ruled by Jupiter, the expander, which is placed in a leading and predominant role this week in the 1st astrological house. Nothing is more out of the box than the sign of this month… a much lighter energy is definitely on the menu, as well as good surprises!

Let's check the new atmosphere we will be entering soon:

Our friends the Aquarians are the winners of the gold medal of ego!!! What!? No way! We thought it would go to the Leos! But nope, the Leos are just silver medal winners. So, we are entering here the domain of a really brilliant sign, but also a very egocentric one. Aquarians often feel that people cannot truly understand their amazing brains, and most times that’s actually true. One thing is sure about both Aquarius and Uranus, the planet that co-rules them: nothing in them is actually normal. That’s the reason why many of them dress and act differently than most people. They are even gifted with different physical features; for instance, their eyes can be very far away from each other (a bit of an alien look really).

Their brilliant minds have no connection to the physical world whatsoever (called Malchut in the Kabbalah). That’s why it is so difficult for them to fit into frames; they actually feel imprisoned when limited in that way. Most of the time - and we are here to say the truth – they are very reluctant to take orders from anyone unless they truly admire the person… and that’s really hard to find! They are very social people who know everyone in town and can get to the White House or the United Nations in three phone calls flat!

In constant research and questioning, their minds seek out of the box concepts. The absence of roots and grounding, however, unfortunately leads some Aquarians to mental institutions or a Mashiach complex (they think they are the Messiah!). The sign of Aquarius represents the human calling to a higher spiritual goal; therefore, from a very young age, Aquarians feel the urge to participate in humanitarian causes and many are found demonstrating in the streets. Very opinionated individuals, for them, causes are a burning fire (they are the fire of the air). The biggest problem is that for them, causes and principles become more important than people, and before changing the world, they need to change themselves; when asked, they think there is nothing they personally should correct!

Many Aquarians are not comfortable being family people, they’d rather be with friends instead, and it usually takes a while for an Aquarian to get married. Rebellious from birth, they always feel very different from others. Their biggest Achilles heel is one-on-one relationships: why be with one when I can be with thousands? Or worse, they love to champion long distance relationships!

When their energy is well-focused, their ideas and work can lead to amazing solutions and global growth, but their egos can disturb everything. The simplest jobs are for them a nightmare because their brains are wired in a completely different way than other people. They are found in politics a lot, in revolutions of all sorts, and in research, where they excel. They are also known to be shockingly honest, and terribly lacking privacy (come on, nobody wants to hear about their sex lives at dinner!).

In the body, Aquarius corresponds to the blood, the chin, and the ankles - their three Achilles heels. During the month of Aquarius we should make sure to eat without excess, and get a good blood flow in the body through exercising or simply walking.

Famous and infamous Aquarians in history include Abraham Lincoln, Charles Lindberg, Francis Bacon (tortured painter), James Dean, Jules Verne, Lewis Carol (only an Aquarius could write Alice in Wonderland!), Oprah Winfrey, Franklin Roosevelt, Charles Dickens, Thomas Edison, Galileo, Charles Darwin, Yoko Ono, and Paul Newman… what an unbelievable list of people!

Have a wonderful and very out-of-the box month!

Chodesh tov!


