A Challenge for the Week

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Profundiza aún más en la sabiduría de la Kabbalah con una guía personalizada y lectura de carta astral.
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A Challenge for the Week

Karen Berg
Agosto 12, 2013
Me gusta 1 Comentarios Compartir

As we know, the month of Virgo is a time to look inside ourselves and find those things that block us from the Light of the Creator. So, this week, I want to challenge all of us you to participate in a simple but powerful exercise.

Go to a close friend—someone you can trust, someone who you know wants the best for you. Ask this friend where he or she thinks your blockages are. When they tell you, don’t argue. Just listen. Receive what they have to say, and you may be able to realize something about yourself that you were blind to before. Remember we are working here on developing the awareness that leads to change.

For example, perhaps you are one of those people who argue for the sake of argument. You may even agree with the other person, but at the moment, you are less interested in the pursuit of truth; it is the idea of the debate itself that is reason enough for you to intellectually pursue the argument.

Now don’t get me wrong: There is nothing inherently wrong with debate. The problem arises when you try to impose your intellectual skills on someone whom you feel is less intelligent than you are.

Or consider the situation where you tell a slight lie, one so small that it hardly seems to be a lie at all. Maybe someone asks you where you are going, but you don’t really want company so you tell them a lie to get rid of them for that moment.

Sure, these may seem to be insignificant examples of negative behavior. But it’s because of these subtle negative aspects in our personality as well as the clouds of darkness we create as a result of our negative actions that we cannot visualize the total consciousness that will bring us closer to the Light of the Creator.

It is only when we reject and root out these negative elements in our personality that we can achieve and maintain true spiritual consciousness. But once we do that, we will be able to attain the same heights as did those people who originally received the wisdom of Kabbalah on Mt. Sinai.
