07:30 PM
Tithing is an ancient kabbalistic practice that can create a powerful ripple effect of positivity, abundance, and fulfillment into every aspect of your life. Join us for an inspiring and illuminating class to learn about practical tools that can help you begin a practice of regular tithing, helping you cultivate a deep spiritual connection and tap into the unlimited potential of this kabbalistic practice. Discover how tithing can help you overcome challenges, attract blessings, and achieve your goals with greater ease and joy. Whether you're new to tithing or a seasoned practitioner, this class offers valuable guidance and inspiration to support you on your journey towards greater prosperity and spiritual fulfillment.
Date(s): Tuesday, February 04, 2025
Location: Los Angeles
Address: 1062 S. Robertson Blvd, Los Angeles, California 90035, USA
Sessions: 1
Price: USD 25.00
Instructor(s): Yehuda Magen
Language: English