08:30 PM
The complete union of the male and female aspects of the Light occurs on Shavuot, filling the universe with the energy of life. It gives us an opportunity to truly experience the total unity that exists between ourselves and the Light. Our connection to this powerful cosmic window is made through an all-night study of the Zohar and the Torah, where we channel the energy to transform our reality and fulfill our potential. Join us for a powerful night of Light and camaraderie as we reveal the energy of Shavuot.
Thursday, May 25th
Friday, May 26th
Date(s): Thursday, May 25, 2023
Location: Toronto
Address: 3281 Yonge St. (Second Floor), Toronto, ON M4N 2L8, Canada
Sessions: 1
Price: CAD 0.00–72.00
Instructor(s): David Zakin
Language: English