What Can I Learn from Nature? 3 Life Lessons from the Great Outdoors

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What Can I Learn from Nature? 3 Life Lessons from the Great Outdoors

Adapted from Monica and Michael Berg’s Spiritually Hungry podcast. Listen and subscribe here.
March 6, 2023
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Fresh air, warm sunshine, and a cool breeze can be a perfect recipe to put us in a good mood. Studies show that sitting in nature for even ten minutes can make you feel less stressed, and the Vitamin D we absorb from the sun is a natural remedy for sadness. But beyond the physical and emotional benefits, nature also has a unique ability to expand our consciousness and impact our lives.

Here are 3 life lessons we can learn from nature:

1. Nature shows us that our senses are limited.

There is more to life than meets the eye. We tend to think we know so much about the world and about other people. Our egos tell us that we can trust our senses. But in truth, our senses are limited, even on a purely physical level. We know that many animals can hear sounds and frequencies that we cannot. Think of a dog whistle that is undetectable to the human ear. If we can only perceive a tiny fraction of the physical world, think about how little we know of the spiritual world.

The bigger the ego a person has, the more power it has, and the less able they are to experience the world as it is intended. By deepening our understanding of nature, we can realize how little we understand about the world, and that is a humbling and powerful lesson.

Strive to hear the messages of the universe. Open yourself to new ideas and new ways of thinking, even if they seem strange to you at first. Don’t assume that you know everything because of what your senses tell you. Think about which people in your life you have determined worthy of listening to and which ones you ignore. Understand that everyone and everything has a message for us.

2. Nature reminds us that we (and our challenges) are part of a perfectly designed system.

One of the most profound lessons we can learn from the natural world is that all living things are deeply interconnected. Entire ecosystems rely on each animal or plant within them to create a thriving environment. This can help us understand that everything and everyone has a purpose and that there is a beautiful design to the world. Learning about nature reminds us that there is a perfect spiritual system for us as well.

When something goes wrong, we tend to ask, “Why is this happening to me?” It becomes all that we can focus on, and we lose sight of the bigger picture. Take a step back and remind yourself that the system is perfect, and you are part of that. Everything is connected in ways we cannot see, and that includes our challenges and obstacles. They all have a beautiful purpose, leading us to something greater.

3. Nature reveals the unlimited potential we each have within us.

Many spiritual traditions speak of the importance of a connection to the natural world. Being connected to nature leads to a spiritual understanding of things and a deeper comprehension of our own greatness. When we understand there is so much beyond what we can see and hear, we start to understand how much more there is within us that we haven’t even begun to tap.

The more we limit ourselves, the more we limit the potential of our lives. It is important to experience the expansiveness of nature and internalize it into our consciousness and our views of our problems. The universe is endless and ever-expanding. We, too, have the potential to be endless and ever-expanding forces.

Nature has the ability to ground us in humility while also showing us the endless potential that exists within and without. Make time to connect to nature. Appreciate its intricacies and beauty, and know that you are part of that perfect system.

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