The second story in the ON BEING children’s books series, written by Monica Berg and inspired & co-created by Abigail Berg, The Tale of the Other Glove, officially launches today! Inspired by real-life experiences, this enchanting tale follows Abigail on an ordinary day that takes an unexpected turn when she encounters an unhoused person in the New York City subway. Through curiosity and compassion, Abigail learns the power of kindness—even when it isn't the obvious choice. With guidance from her mom Monica, they embark on a journey of empathy, discovering joy in small acts of compassion that can make a big difference in someone's life.
The Tale of the Other Glove is more than just a children's book — it's an uplifting lesson in compassion and empathy that sets the stage for having meaningful conversations and doing impactful actions of kindness together with the kids in your life.
This book was written in the hopes of awakening readers, young and old, to the power of empathy. Although one person cannot address the suffering of the entire unhoused populace, we learn through our heroine Abigail, that each one of us has something to give and to share and the power to make a difference in someone else’s life.
Don't miss this chance to invite the children in your life to embark on a journey of compassion and empathy of their own. Order your copy and be part of the inspiration!