How Can I Understand Reincarnation? 3 Lessons About Past Lives
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How Can I Understand Reincarnation? 3 Lessons About Past Lives

Adapted from Monica and Michael Berg’s Spiritually Hungry podcast. Listen and subscribe here.
July 22, 2024
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Reincarnation is the belief that our souls experience more than one lifetime and that we are reborn into new bodies when we die. This process allows our soul to continue its journey of growth across multiple lifetimes, even if we can’t remember everything that has happened to us in past incarnations. Understanding the concept of reincarnation can teach us important spiritual lessons that influence how we live our lives today.

Here are 3 lessons about reincarnation:

1. What’s most difficult for us to conquer is often uniquely tied to our soul’s purpose.

The wisdom of Kabbalah teaches that our souls have a unique Light to reveal in the world, a job that only we can do. Revealing this Light is something that challenges us and requires us to transform in ways that are often uncomfortable. That’s why we usually don’t finish our work in one lifetime. It’s an assignment we carry with us through each incarnation until we eventually (hopefully) complete the transformation.

Although we may not remember what happened to us in our past lifetimes, our soul remembers. The things that are hardest for us are often an indication of the areas tied to our soul’s purpose. We aren’t meant to be perfect, but we can make significant progress in this lifetime by facing these areas head-on and pushing ourselves out of our comfort zones, particularly in areas that are kind to other people.

Your purpose is unique to you, and therefore, what progress looks like for you is different for anyone else’s journey. This is why no two lives look identical. Avoid comparing your journey to someone else’s. What comes easily for them may be very difficult for you and vice versa because of the unique work you are meant to do. Know that your soul has an important job to do. Push yourself to grow in ways that may be uncomfortable at first, knowing you are making progress towards revealing your unique Light in the world.

2. The people in our lives are not random – they are meant to aid our spiritual journey.

When we are reincarnated, we aren’t alone in the journey. The friends, family, acquaintances, and even strangers that you encounter in this lifetime are likely incarnations of people you’ve spent past lifetimes with. Someone who was a friend to you in a past life might now be your child in this lifetime, or your boss might’ve been your parent in a different incarnation. This can explain why sometimes we have a strong positive or negative reaction the first time we meet someone.

Your relationships in this lifetime may look different than previous incarnations, but there is a reason for everyone in your life. You may have spiritual debts that you owe to these people or something you are meant to learn from them or to teach them. The Universe is working all the time to make sure we meet the right people to aid us in our spiritual transformation.

This understanding can give us a different perspective on other people, especially those who push our buttons. Think about the people in your life right now. How are they challenging you to grow? How can you support them more in ways that are transformative for you?

3. We can’t know all the spiritual reasons why something happens, but we can have certainty that it is for our benefit.

Once we recognize that there's a perfectly designed system to the Universe, we can start to understand that there are thousands of spiritual reasons why something positive or negative happens to us. We have spiritual debts and unfinished work that we aren’t even aware of. Sometimes, the things we think of as being negative at the time end up being the biggest blessing that pushed us into a new area we never would’ve gone otherwise.

We will never fully know all of the reasons why something happens, but we can have certainty that everything that occurs is for the benefit of our souls. This world is designed perfectly to help us grow in the ways we need. You don’t need to know the story of your past lives to start creating the change your soul needs in this one.

Reincarnation shows us that there’s a reason we exist in this world. In fact, we have a very important job to do: to reveal our soul’s unique Light. It reminds us that what we do with our life matters and that it’s important we consistently strive to become better versions of ourselves. It shows us that the people in our lives are not random – our relationships are important motivators for us to change. And it reinforces that there are spiritual reasons for everything we go through. Reincarnation is not just the study of past lives but also the understanding of how to live today.

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