How Can I Live Each Day to the Fullest? 4 Daily Practices to Live with Intention
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How Can I Live Each Day to the Fullest? 4 Daily Practices to Live with Intention

Adapted from Monica and Michael Berg’s Spiritually Hungry podcast. Listen and subscribe here.
June 10, 2024
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We all crave a sense of purpose and direction for our lives, but throughout the day, we're often pulled in directions that we don’t intend. Obligations and to-do lists distract us from the things that are most important to us, or something happens that upsets us and causes us to react in ways that don’t reflect our best selves. It is so easy to lose focus of the things that matter most in the busyness of everyday life. Thankfully, there are some simple rituals we can practice each day to help keep us focused and intentional with our time, ensuring that we are living in alignment with the power of our souls.

Here are 4 daily practices to start living each day to the fullest:

1. Make your first thought of the day one of appreciation.

What is the first thing that runs through your mind when you wake up in the morning? Maybe it’s, “What time is it?” Where do I need to be? or What do I need to get done today?” The wisdom of Kabbalah teaches that the first moments of each day dictate how the rest of the day will manifest for us.

If our first thought when we wake is one of anger, disappointment, or sadness, then that energy will permeate the rest of the day. Conversely, if our first thought is of appreciation, then the rest of the day will be infused with that appreciation.

When you wake up each morning, make your first thought one of appreciation, and let the energy of gratitude guide you through your day. Whether you say it in words or think it in your mind, remind yourself how happy and grateful you are to be alive. Even if it’s just a quick, 10-second meditation, starting the morning with that consciousness will have a positive ripple effect throughout the day that can help keep you centered and focused on what is most important in your life.

2. Take time to set your intentions for the day.

Our daily lives can be so stressful and hectic that often, it feels like we are just going through the motions, reacting to one situation after another. It’s easy to lose sight of our values in this state and to start acting in ways that are not aligned with our integrity. It’s so important that we take some time each morning to set our intentions. Ask yourself, “What am I doing today? Why am I doing it? Do I believe in it? Am I doing it for the right reasons?”

Starting the day with clear intentions is the strongest way to proactively direct your consciousness rather than reacting to what's external. When you begin the day with intention, you’ll find your time and actions will be better aligned with your values.

3. Find moments of appreciation throughout the day.

Having appreciation and gratitude for the blessings in our lives doesn’t need to be a ritual we practice only in the morning. In fact, it’s meant to be our focus throughout the entire day. It can seem hard to find the time to pause and have appreciation, but just taking a few seconds before you eat, when you see something beautiful, or when something makes you smile can make all the difference.

Think of a moment today that made you smile or moved you in a positive way. Relive it, experience it, and reflect on it. The more moments of appreciation you find throughout the day, the more you will see it start to change and protect your positive consciousness.

4. At night, reflect on what worked well for you.

We aren’t perfect people. Sometimes we have a bad day and don’t live up to our own values. We make mistakes or we react badly to a situation. But we can learn just as much from the times we slip as the times we stay focused and positive.

At the end of each day, take some time to reflect on what worked and didn’t work for you during the day. What did you like about the day? How did you feel as you were going through it? What lessons can you bring with you for tomorrow? Making time for this introspective work can fuel your growth and help make tomorrow even better than today.

Having daily practices is not just about having a routine that we fall into robotically. It’s about arming ourselves with the tools we need each day to transform our lives for the better. They help us align our intentions and actions while staying focused on the things that are most important to us. And most of all, they help us live the lives we are meant to be living to the fullest potential. Try incorporating these practices into your daily routine and see how they work for you.

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