Astrology Forecast for the Month of Taurus 2023

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Astrology Forecast for the Month of Taurus 2023

Miriam Ashkenazi
April 20, 2023
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Here we are, ending the month of Aries and entering into the month of Taurus. Aries is considered the first month of the zodiac wheel, which takes place at the beginning of the spring (in the Northern hemisphere) and represents new beginnings. We can start anew and expand our desires. The second month of the zodiac year is the month of Taurus. Taurus is an earth sign, responsible for being the first in line to carry all this new energy into the year ahead. This will allow us to ground ourselves and start manifesting the energy we injected in the month before.

All the earth signs are known to be blessed with the ability to actualize ideas and be consistently practical in manifesting any goals. This month, we all have the ability to connect to this strength. The month of Taurus is also known to bless us with an abundance of healing and unifying energy. Like every month, Taurus also carries some challenging energy. For Taurus, the difficulty is in making changes or pushing ourselves outside of our comfort zones.

Let's take a look at this month week-by-week and see how to utilize the unique cosmic alignments for our benefit, and overcome the more challenging aspects, as well.

As the sun moves into the sign of Taurus in the first week of the month, it's joining some already powerful Taurus activity: Mercury, Uranus, and the North Node are all in Taurus. Together, these forces can help us slow down and pay closer attention. Since in this first week the sun also creates a positive aspect to Saturn in Pisces, the attention is mostly on our spiritual work and areas of our life where we need to take more responsibility. The universe is directing us to check ourselves and our spiritual engagements. Take your time. Notice where you need to step into a leadership role and assume more responsibility. At the same time, reevaluate where you are already functioning as a leader in your life and ask yourself, How do I grow in my role? How do I step up? How do I inject more spirituality in the way I lead?

In the second week of the month, Mercury in Taurus forms a positive aspect with Mars in Cancer. The planet of communication and ideas is holding hands with the planet of desire and action. This is a great time to manifest any idea. Clarify what you really want and go for it. Since Mars is in Cancer, we are also encouraged to be sensitive to others and not jump into actions that will only serve us and our individual agendas.

In the third week of the month, Mercury continues with its positive influence and, this time, forms a positive aspect with Saturn. Again, Saturn's positive powers are activated, and this time it continues the theme of last week—manifest! Thoughts, goals, ideas, and inspirations—this is the time to make it happen, make a plan, plant the seed, and do something that grounds the energy going on in our minds. Move from thought into action.

In the fourth week of the month, an important transit takes place. The planet Jupiter is moving into the sign of Taurus for the upcoming year. Since Jupiter is the planet that highlights opportunities, growth, and expansion, this move signals us to activate all the powerful, positive, and spiritual energies of Taurus. The ability to see the good, the power to heal and take good care of ourselves, and the power of a slow but steady path towards growth and expansion.

This week as the shift takes place, Jupiter creates a challenging aspect to Pluto in Aquarius, which is a warning sign for us. Pluto is all about change and transformation. Taurus is the one sign that resists change the most. During this last phase of the month, be mindful to flow and stay open to change and necessary transformation that needs to take place in your life. It might not be easy, and it might feel painful at times, but keep asking yourself, What is the right thing for me to do in the long run? What am I afraid of? Should I really put off this change or go for it? Where am I resisting change, and why? With a deeper perspective and true desire to evolve spiritually, this aspect can work for us and not against us!

READ: A Monthly Guide for Parents: Taurus
