Astrology Forecast for the Month of Capricorn 2025
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Astrology Forecast for the Month of Capricorn 2025

Batsheva Shouster
December 27, 2024
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Let’s see how we can use the movement of the planets this month to awaken true blessings!

Saturn, the planet that controls the month of Capricorn, is considered to be one of the most powerful planets in the solar system. According to medieval and modern astrology, it is considered a malefic planet that causes delays. Welcome to the New Moon of Capricorn!

However, kabbalistically speaking, Saturn is considered a teacher. The Book of Formation, written by Abraham the Patriarch, says that Saturn does not care about physical matters and can destroy them. But it also explains that Saturn is the planet of our own personal redemption. When one understands the message Saturn brings them in their astrology chart and is genuinely persistent in their spiritual work, Saturn can support and elevate their growth.

Saturn starts out in the sign of Pisces this month, where it teaches us what true spirituality is.

True spirituality brings the Lightforce of the Creator into every situation of our lives. The Sun in Capricorn has a good aspect to Saturn, which will allow us to see things in a deeper way. My teacher, Karen Berg, always said that Capricorn has the potential to be the most spiritual sign of the zodiac because of the combination that exists within it of earth and water. When the Capricorn focuses only on earth energy, the external energy of Capricorn, it becomes stagnant, full of worry, and prone to depression. The universe helps us to embrace the water element with Saturn in Pisces. Allow yourself to be guided by the universe. Try to be more sensitive to others and awaken true kindness.

On January 4th, Mars, the planet of desire and war, is in retrograde motion in opposition with Pluto. Both are strong planets, and by paying attention and avoiding anger and violence, we can increase our true desire. Then on January 6th, Mars re-enters Cancer for a journey with the family. Things may arise from the past that we need to re-think. Things we didn’t solve earlier will also come to the surface. January 15th is the Full Moon of Capricorn. Venus, the planet of love, relationships, and money, will conjunct Saturn. Here, it teaches us how to take responsibility in relationships and money. We might feel limited, but it is simply an opportunity for growth. There is an excess of water in the chart on those days—meaning, a flow of emotions. Try to see things in a realistic way and not through the frame of your emotions. But do use the water element to connect with people in your life.

The nodes are moving from Libra/Aries to Virgo/Pisces. Here, we are learning to zoom out in order to avoid falling into crises. See the perfection in the imperfect, and know that your process is exactly what you need to bring blessings into your life. A yearly conjunction between the Sun and Pluto occurs on January 21st as the Sun moves to the sign of Aquarius. This is a time of endings and new beginnings. It is an intense aspect, and there is a desire for power, which can affect us on a global level. But our personal work is to know when and how to let go.

As a general rule, the Hebrew letter bet controls Saturn, the planet of Capricorn. It is also a channel for the word “blessing.” Using bet this month can help us bring blessings into our lives.
