This week marks a significant energetic shift, with the Sun entering Aquarius after its journey through Capricorn. This transit is also intertwined with the kabbalistic influences of the month of Tevet, a month associated with Capricorn. Taken together, this energy encourages deep reflection but also an awakening to new ways of thinking, connection with others, and pursuing our long-term goals. The transits of a few key planets complete the astrological panorama, bringing with them a call to balance stability with innovation.
The Sun leaves Capricorn’s pragmatism behind to enter Aquarius on January 19th, marking a shift to a radically different energy. In Capricorn, the Sun pushes us toward responsibility, structure, and constant work toward concrete goals. Capricorn is an earth sign that connects us to the material and tangible world, where long-term efforts are the key to achieving success. Under its influence, energies tend to be more cautious and rational, with a clear focus on building our foundations, whether personal, professional, or material.
When the Sun enters Aquarius, the energy shifts towards a freer, more innovative, and progressive approach. Aquarius, an air sign, is associated with originality, revolution, and connection to groups. It invites us to question that which is established, to think outside the box, and to seek creative solutions to the problems of the world. It is a sign of collective thinking, encouraging us to think in terms of society, how our actions can have an impact on the global community, and to recognize that true freedom comes from freeing ourselves from the restrictions of tradition.
This solar shift coincides with the kabbalistic month of Tevet (Capricorn), which continues guiding our internal structure and our need for organization. While Tevet reminds us of the importance of having a solid foundation, the Sun's entry into Aquarius invites us to balance this need for structure with the urgency to break away from the old and make room for the new. This is an ideal time to get out of our comfort zone, expand our vision, and make room for new ways of thinking, especially in our goals and projects.
In addition to the influence of the Sun in Aquarius, the other planetary transits of the week reinforce the theme of transformation and change. Mercury in Capricorn brings an energy that favors mental organization, strategic planning, and clear communication in matters of work and career. Although Mercury is the planet of communication, in Capricorn it focuses on practicality and responsibility, which can help us structure our ideas and projects efficiently.
On the other hand, Venus in Pisces invites relationships to be more emotional and spiritual. In this water sign, Venus favors connection on a deep and sentimental level. However, Pisces can also generate an idealization of relationships, which can lead us to see others or situations through a distorted lens. Taking advantage of this energy to strengthen our emotional relationships and connect on a more compassionate level can be extremely beneficial, but we must avoid falling into the trap of unrealistic expectations. Venus is next to Neptune and Saturn. With Neptune, it can sharpen doubt, uncertainty, and confusion in relationships as well as accentuate the illusion of love, and with Saturn, it can prevent us from feeling loved.
Mars retrograde in Cancer continues to be an important transit this week, as Mars retrograde slows down our ability to take direct action. In Cancer, the sign related to family and emotions, this retrograde can cause emotional frustrations or frustrations in matters related to the home and family. It is a time for emotional self-reflection and resolving internal conflicts related to the past. Mars retrograde asks us for patience and reminds us that sometimes it is necessary to go backward in order to move forward with greater clarity.
The week of January 19th–25th is a period of profound transition, where the planetary energies urge us to balance the structured work of Capricorn with the freedom and change that Aquarius brings. It's an opportunity to rethink our long-term goals, question what no longer serves us, and look for new ways to connect with others and the world.
Although this week's planetary transits push us toward internal transformation, they also challenge us to be more flexible and open to change. The Sun in Aquarius invites us to think big and act together but also to not fear the unknown. The key is to find the balance between personal discipline and collective innovation while staying open to the new possibilities that await us.
It is a week to plan wisely, but also to break with the old and make room for the new. The energies ask us to reflect deeply on our foundations, but they also invite us to dream and build the future in a more inclusive, connected, and freer way.