Dezember 9, 2020
September 20, 2020
David Itic explains that the second shofar blowing removes incest, jealousy and envy. During this connection we focus on removing the desire to get what doesn’t belong to us.
Double the Effort, Double the Blessings. The great kabbalist Rav Ashlag taught that whenever something significant happens in the physical world, it is an indication that a big shift is occurring in the supernal world. This fluctuation pushes us to either grow exponentially or regress to the same degree. Our teacher, Karen Berg, recently left this world and, as Kabbalah teaches, has moved on to the supernal realm, from where she can share double her energy with us. Karen’s spirit of unconditional sharing, kindness, and fierce determination is exponentially more powerful – and we connect to it by doubling our efforts.