Astrology Forecast for August 16-22, 2020


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Astrology Forecast for August 16-22, 2020

Miriam Ashkenazi
August 16, 2020
Gefällt mir Kommentare Teilen

This is an absolutely beautiful week, cosmically speaking. There are many supporting aspects that are going to lead us straight into the New Moon of Virgo at the end of the week, and the transition of the sun into the sign of Virgo on Saturday, August 22nd.

After two months, which are (according to kabbalists) considered to be the most challenging months of the year, we get a breather. It’s a break, and an opportunity to transform any of this intense, and potentially negative, energy into a more merciful time.

The week starts with the sun trine to Mars on August 16th, which helps us to increase the level of energy and motivation we feel—to get up and take action, do the work, and manifest! Leo can be a month that struggles with action. We can fall into laziness or expectations that others will do the work for us. At the beginning of this week, we are gearing up and preparing ourselves for the upcoming month of Virgo, the sign of hard work, and receiving an amazing boost from the sun and Mars.

As we move along to August 17th, Mercury and Mars are forming a nice aspect, which can help us in making plans and supports any calculated risk that we might have been delaying for a while. On August 18th, the sun and the moon are both in the sign of Leo and directing us to take better care of ourselves, our bodies, our minds, and our hearts. It is helpful to visualize how we can lead our lives in a better direction. (Again, this opportunity is an ideal preparation for the upcoming month of Virgo, where the energy of productivity will be more available to all of us!)

For the last part of the week, we are going to experience a stronger shift of energy from Leo into the sign of Virgo. (Mercury is moving into Virgo, and the new moon of Virgo and the sun moves into Virgo on August 22nd.) This shift allows us to transform some of the challenging aspects of the sign of Leo into the next step in our evolutionary process from one sign to another (to the sign of Virgo). We are presented with opportunities to become more humble, and focus on creating actual changes, and taking care of things, rather than just speaking about what we want to do.

This is a time when it can be easier to take care of others and be more attuned to their needs. On the flip side, we should avoid any unrealistic expectations of others and ourselves, which can lead to an overly calculating approach and judgmental attitude, especially in the upcoming month of Virgo!
