The Ripple Effect


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The Ripple Effect

Kabbalah Centre
September 17, 2015
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We all know how it feels when someone behaves rudely toward us. Maybe a store clerk was snide, or a coworker was impatient. Or maybe a friend’s facetiousness feels a little less than playful. Sometimes we experience negativity in our own homes when a family member or roommate has a bad day and takes it out on us. No matter what the impetus for such treatment, it always feels lousy.

On the other hand, when we are met with unexpected kindness, we feel great. Whether it is from someone we know or a complete stranger, it has the ability to shift our entire attitude. We walk away from the encounter positive and more inclined to share positivity with others. What we often forget is that both positivity and negativity are contagious—the energy we create when we uplift another or dampen a mood sticks around long after the situation has passed.

The Kabbalah Centre teaches that our actions are more powerful than we can ever know. Every action has an effect, for better or worse. Most of us understand this on a very basic level. However, few of us take this into consideration moment to moment. Our actions, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, have a ripple effect and there is no way of ever knowing when or if it will cease.

We choose how we impact others through our actions. “Every single person on this earth is a world unto him- or herself,” says Karen Berg, “but each of us also has a sphere of influence that includes our family, nuclear and extended, as well as our friends, colleagues, and acquaintances.” Yet, our influence does not end with the people we know. “In fact,” continues Karen, “an individual person can affect the lives of 20, 30, 40—and now with the Internet—even hundreds and thousands of people.” The opportunities to spread Light in a single day are endless.

Your personal sphere of influence is far greater than you think. Consider the effects of your actions and ask yourself, are you creating positive or negative energy in the lives of people you know? Whatever your answer, the same is true in the world. When we spread positivity, those around us feel good and are more likely to do the same.

The power we have to impact the lives of others is something to consider daily. We have the ability to impact the world as a whole. “From your location, you are creating a source of Light." says Michael Berg. “You are performing a great service not only for yourself, but for the city you are in and even for the world. Light is not contained by walls or borders.”

When we examine our actions and are honest about the energy we’re creating in the world, we can begin to make true and lasting changes in our lives. During Rosh Hashanah, the Light of the Creator supports us in our endeavors to change for the better. Though we can always alter our behavior or intentions, there is more Light available at this time to help ensure our success.

Start by identifying behaviors you’d like to change. How will you go about making those changes? Challenge yourself to think big and act big. As Michael Berg says, “We are not choosing to be a little bit better than we were last year. Rosh Hashanah is an opportunity for complete and true transformation."
