The Power of One

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The Power of One

Karen Berg
August 11, 2014
Gefällt mir 10 Kommentare Teilen

Today is the kabbalistic holiday known as Tu B'Av, the day for soul mates and a day that contains the power of balance, unity, and oneness. This day, one of the most positive days of the year, falls on the full moon of Leo, the month controlled by the sun. Because of this, the day embodies the cosmic balance between two opposing forces: the masculine force, represented by the sun (Leo), and the feminine force, represented by the moon (the full moon). This unification creates an energy of harmony and love that we need if we are to change ourselves and the world.

The organ that corresponds to the sign of Leo is the heart. With all the negative things going on in the world these days, it is clear that this is the time when we need to expand our hearts. We must be able to open ourselves to sharing the emotions of others and even to feeling their pain.

Now we may ask ourselves: With so much hatred in the world, will my efforts make a difference? The answer is yes, absolutely. Each one of us has a sphere of influence that includes our friends, our family, our friends’ friends, our families’ friends, their friends, and so on. Our consciousness touches and affects everyone in our world, and in turn, their consciousness touches and affects everyone in their world. Thus, each little bit of positive consciousness that we can grow inside of ourselves does make a difference, in the same way that a pebble thrown into still water creates ever-expanding ripples.

As we connect to the positivity and Light available on this day, let’s remember that the greatest growth a person can experience in life is by doing for others. We need to awaken this kind of consciousness in ourselves and then transmit it to the rest of the world, especially to those places in the grip of hatred and intolerance. Indeed, everything that that we see or hear about today should help us realize that without human dignity and respect, none of us can share in and be a part of the Creator’s love.
