The 12 Days of Aries Part 2: Pesach Cleaning

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The 12 Days of Aries Part 2: Pesach Cleaning

Karen Berg
März 19, 2015
Gefällt mir 6 Kommentare Teilen

The cleaning that we do before Pesach—the scrubbing down of every inch of our personal homes, as well as our spiritual home, which for many of us is The Kabbalah Centre—is not just a nice thing to do to create a tidy environment to live and work in. Rather, it is about internal cleaning. Because as we clean, we are actually creating a space for the blessing of the Creator to reside within and flow through us.

We learn from the ancient writings that the Mishkan (the Tabernacle) was erected on the first day of Aries and for the first 12 days of the month, a member from each of the 12 tribes brought a sacrifice (korban) there.

At The Kabbalah Centre, we learn that the 12 tribes actually correspond to the 12 signs of the zodiac, and that each of these 12 days of Aries represents a different way we can “sacrifice” our ego, based on the sign that each day represents. For example, the first day corresponds to Aries, the second to Taurus, the third to Gemini, and so on.

No matter what our personal sun-sign is, each of us has a bit of the other 12 signs within us. Therefore, it is important that we do the work every day.

The purpose of this cleaning and the sacrifices of our ego is to bring us into at-one-ment with the Light of the Creator so that when Pesach arrives on the 15th day of Aries, we are in the best spiritual condition to receive all of the Light that is infused into the universe on that evening. The extent that we clean and gain control of the ego on each of these first 12 days will be reflected in our experience of each respective month of the year ahead.

For the next 12 days (starting March 21, 2015), I will be posting details about a certain sacrifice (korban) of our ego that we can do specific to the energy of that day, which can help us return to at-one-ment with the Light of the Creator.

To read more about Pesach, click here.
