Taurus and the Nature of Healing


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Taurus and the Nature of Healing

Monica Berg
April 24, 2023
Gefällt mir 6 Kommentare 1 Teilen

It's no surprise that the start of the month of Taurus (Iyar in Hebrew) coincides with Earth Day (both fall on April 22 this year!). It’s a time for healing and continued transformation. And with the influx of Light readily available all month, our gardens are sure to grow!

And speaking of gardens, this month, we may find ourselves tempted to lie down amidst those blooming wildflowers. Like the blissful bull soaking up the sun and flicking its tail, we may not be aware of the powers we wield during this unique cosmic window. There is always work to be done, and we've got the internal muscle to make it happen. We need only to decide that it’s our time to get up and get moving!

We can start by healing ourselves, just as nature does so well. We all have physical, emotional, or spiritual places within us that can use a little tune-up (or a full-out overhaul). Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus, which has been long associated with love... and that includes self-love. We may go to a doctor and receive a treatment, surgery, or medication to help what ails us. And believe me, I'm all for that. In fact, with every walk or run I take, I'm grateful for the surgery and therapy that helped revive my injured ankle a few years back!

Still, it's never the treatment alone that does the healing. As Rav Berg taught, WE are the only true healers of ourselves. Our body's own intelligence is the surgeon that weaves the cellular structures back together. And our existing chemical processes are the catalysts that allow medicines to do their work. The point? We’ve got “the power”! What matters most is how and when we use it.

...Continue reading on my weekly blog at rethinklife.today

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