Shabbat 101

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Shabbat 101

Kabbalah Centre
Februar 14, 2022
Gefällt mir 27 Kommentare 3 Teilen

Candle Lighting

We light candles at specific times and with pure intentions in order to establish a connection to the energy available. Like flipping the light switch upon entering a dark room, the simple act of lighting candles initiates a flow of energy.

Evening Connection (Kabbalat Shabbat)

On Friday nights, we sing songs, recite kabbalistic prayers, and consume blessed wine and bread. These acts invite the energy of Shabbat into our lives and enhance our connection to the Light.

  • Shabbat Dinner

The first of three meals, we bless the wine and bread before enjoying our Shabbat dinner. These kabbalistic blessings help us connect with our inner desire to share.

  • Birkat Hamazon (Prayers after Eating)

After eating the first meal, we engage in the Birkat Hamazon prayer. Reciting this prayer shows our appreciation for the food and our connection to the Light.

Morning Connection (Shacharit)

On Saturday mornings, we gather to recite prayers and meditate on our relationship with the Light. The energy awakened by the Morning Connection awakens the spiritual force of mercy, which helps keep chaos and judgment from our lives.

  • Consciousness Lecture

In the Consciousness Lecture, we learn about the portion of the week that will be read during the Torah reading. This lecture helps us truly understand the forthcoming teachings and explains in detail the kabbalistic principles behind the stories.

  • Torah Reading

The Torah is read aloud, in Hebrew, by a Kabbalah Centre teacher. The stories of the Torah are actually codes that, when decoded, transmit energy and repel negativity for the week to come.

Afternoon Connection

  • Shabbat Lunch

During Shabbat Lunch, we sing a number of songs in Aramaic and Hebrew, many of which were written by history’s greatest kabbalists. They help us manifest the desire to Share aspect of the Morning Connection.

  • Third Meal

The third meal, the high point of Shabbat, contains special blessings for putting our spiritual desires into motion. We use this tremendous energy to create positive change in ourselves and all of humanity.

Evening Connection

The Evening Connection consists of unique kabbalistic prayer and song. These recitations bring Shabbat to a close and help us determine our energy for the new week to come.

  • Havdalah

Havdalah refers to the verbal declaration made at the end of Shabbat that is recited once the sun sets on Saturday night. We say the Havdalah to demonstrate our appreciation for the Light, and to ask it for spiritual sustenance in the upcoming week.

Kommentare 3