Kabbalah Centre Charitable Causes Announces New Partnership with Habitat for Humanity Los Angeles


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Kabbalah Centre Charitable Causes Announces New Partnership with Habitat for Humanity Los Angeles

Kabbalah Centre
Dezember 6, 2016
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Habitat for Humanity of Greater Los Angeles (Habitat LA), in partnership with The Kabbalah Centre, will raise the walls for a new neighborhood in Downey, CA that will bring six affordable homeownership opportunities to the city. The wall raising and build day will take place on Wednesday, December 14th and also marks the beginning of a new, meaningful partnership between Habitat LA and The Kabbalah Centre.

“What makes a house a home is the love that goes into it. Working with Habitat is so wonderful because they don’t build places with walls and floors, they give volunteers a chance, through their effort and care, to help make a home. This is truly a circuitry of love and we feel grateful to be a part,” says Karen Berg, Spiritual Director of Kabbalah Centre International.

In addition to volunteer hours, The Kabbalah Centre is also providing $480,000 in total funding for the Downey neighborhood in an effort to provide strength and stability through homeownership to low-income, local families as well as to build Habitat homes outside of the US. The Kabbalah Centre is a longtime supporter of Habitat for Humanity’s work internationally and previously helped build homes and transform a community of one hundred families in Sri Lanka. Looking to make a similar impact with Habitat LA locally, the Centre has designated affordable homeownership and neighborhood revitalization as areas of focus for their organization.

“One of the most important spiritual principles we teach we at The Kabbalah Centre is giving back and sharing with people in need,” says Michael Berg, Director of Kabbalah Centre International. “The Kabbalah Centre is proud to work alongside Habitat LA to help bring decent housing to families in Downey.”

“We can’t thank The Kabbalah Centre enough for their partnership in Building a Greater Los Angeles,” says Erin Rank, Habitat LA President and CEO. “The six families who will eventually own these homes will be forever transformed thanks to The Kabbalah Centre’s generous contribution.”

Habitat LA has also committed $100 million toward increasing access to affordable homeownership opportunities and revitalizing neighborhoods throughout greater Los Angeles by 2020 as part of its Building a Greater Los Angeles campaign. This investment will benefit the local economy by building strong and stable homes in partnership with families, individuals, volunteers, municipalities and donors, which will bring strength and stability to local communities throughout greater Los Angeles.

The Kabbalah Centre is providing this funding as part of its international partnership with Habitat for Humanity, which includes a recently completed build project in Philippines in 2016, as well as support for Habitat’s work in response to the tornadoes that devastated Moore, Oklahoma in 2014 and the 7.8 earthquake that struck Nepal in April 2015.

“Habitat for Humanity International is excited to partner with Habitat LA and The Kabbalah Centre,” says Jeremy Kraut-Ordover, Habitat International Deputy Director for Individual Giving. “Close to home and around the world, The Kabbalah Centre and Habitat are bringing people of all faiths together to help families gain strength, self-reliance and shelter.”

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