Developing Intuition


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Developing Intuition

Karen Berg
Februar 20, 2013
Gefällt mir 8 Kommentare Teilen

Many times, students ask me, “How can we develop our intuition?” Practically speaking, developing intuition requires that we start to listen more than we speak or answer back.

Let’s say, for example, that a friend comes to us with a question. If we want to answer him or her intuitively rather than from our own ego, there are a few steps to take.

1. Look at the person and try to take ourselves out of the situation.
2. Listen. Try to have empathy. Feel where the other person is coming from, and then answer.

Oftentimes, when we come to spirituality we put ourselves in the position of mentor or teacher. We start to think that we know best when it comes to how others should behave or what they should do with their lives. But that’s not intuition; that comes from ego. We can only be a model of the spiritual tools and wisdom that we are learning. As people see the changes in us, they may choose to make changes as well.

Intuitiveness is something that grows if we allow it to. Normally, people that have more and more intuition are people that are less and less involved with themselves. The reason for this is that in order to allow intuition to grow, we need to embrace our internal nature, and this means we need to go outside of our personal worries, fears, and agendas.

Many times, we think the way we believe others want us to think, we react to things the way we believe others want us to react, or we do things that seem right at the time to satisfy other people around us. When we work on the intuitive level, however, we are working in a very different way. Not only are we are working from the crown chakra, but we are also allowing that energy to be digested throughout our entire body. We are allowing ourselves to operate from our own internal nature rather than from external forces such as who thinks what or who’s going to care. The more we can do this, then absolutely, the more intuitive we become.

From my own experience, when I meet or speak with someone, my job is to find out where they are at. In order to do so, I need to have empathy. This requires that I take myself out of picture in order to relate to them. It is only at this point that I can perhaps feel what’s missing or lacking and see if there is a way to help.

I look forward to hearing from you and to continue growing with you on this path, and I hope that if you like this, you will please share it with a friend.


