Be the Kindness You Want to See in the World

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Be the Kindness You Want to See in the World

Karen Berg
September 8, 2014
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At this time of the year, we normally make our greatest effort to take spiritual stock of our actions. At best we work on how we can become better versions of ourselves, at worst we can get stuck in beating ourselves up all in the name of purging. Either way, we are focusing on ourselves, and on the how, rather than seeing the end goal, which is why we do this work in the first place. Remember that line from the Bible "love your neighbor as you love yourself." I believe that much of the job of perfecting the how has been done by the generations before us. Religion has brought us to the place where we have perfected ritual. What is left for us now is to simply be the kindness we want to see in the world.

So as we go through this month of Virgo, and while we sign up for, and plan our participation in the 22 days of the High Holidays, let’s do it a little differently than we have in past years. Instead of focusing on correcting the times we were not who we wanted to be, we can move into being who we are meant to be, who we really, really want to be. There is a lovely saying: “God does not decide on our future based on the bad we have done, but instead gives us another year because of our potential to do the good that we have yet to do.” If our consciousness for the Holidays is focused on how much good we can still do, it won’ t matter what we did wrong, and we will have so much more to give to others.

At the time of global awakening, global spirituality, I believe that ritual will move to the back seat of the collective consciousness and energetic support will come from the universe to assist us to simply love others. It won’t require the work of institutions, special interest groups, policies, law, or ritual. Instead, each person will gain the ability to behave with human dignity. In the coming year, we can see people who simply decide to put down the gun, remove the suicide vest, and say no to harming, and yes to care.

The cosmos will behave as it always does, of course, with polarity. As the energy of kindness enters our dimension,so too will it provide us with the challenges so that our free choice will never be compromised. Our purpose at The Kabbalah Centre is to be that place where we can all have the opportunity to remember to be this version of ourselves and create a space for every person to feel the love that is the birthright of every human being.

More than ever, the world needs this from us, and we need it to. In so doing, together we can create an energy that will encircle us all with a Light so great that it can heal the planet and everything in it. Whether you are with us at our International Event or participating at our local Centres or online, or even if you are simply with us in spirit, we are one in consciousness, united in our desire to bring about this reality.

God speed.
