Awakening the Heart of the Lion

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Awakening the Heart of the Lion

Karen Berg
Juli 15, 2015
Gefällt mir 5 Kommentare Teilen

Welcome to the month of Leo.

As we know, the energy of any given month influences all of us, not only those born under that month’s sign. So while we might not all feel the energy of Leo in the same way that a Leo-born person would, we will nevertheless feel its effect to one degree or another.

What then can we expect from this month?

Well, first off, the next nine days can be a really difficult period. This is a period when the cosmic energies have historically been tumultuous. In the Bible, we read that it was during these nine days that Moses sent out spies to survey the land of Israel and they came back with a completely negative report.

Moreover, the ninth day of this month is Tisha b'Av, the most negative day of the year in the kabbalistic cosmic calendar. This day witnessed the destruction of both the First and Second Temples in Jerusalem. And closer to our own time, the Final Solution was signed into law in Germany on this day in 1942.

Yet, as paradoxical as this may sound, it is said that the Messiah will be born on Tisha b’Av. How can such a negative day give rise to something so positive? The reason is the Law of Polarity, which states that the greatest Light comes out of the greatest darkness. In other words, where there is chaos, there is also the potential for the beauty of the human heart to rise up and illuminate the world with its power.

The symbol for this month is the lion, the animal known for the strength of his heart. The Bible says of King David that his "heart is as the heart of a lion."

For us, this is a great secret. The more we stay anchored in our heart and the more we see the world through the lens of love and acceptance rather than the lens of judgment and fear, the better chance we have at releasing and overcoming those emotions that keep us bound in negativity.

To be sure, the typical nature of Leo is to be rather self-demanding. But if a born Leo or if the rest of us in the time of Leo can come closer to becoming beings of sharing, then we can tap the blessing of certainty to say:

"Yes, there are challenges. But more powerful than the difficulties are the blessings that lie within them."

With all the turmoil that we see in the world and all the flaws and faults that we often see in those around us, this is the time when we each need to expand our heart. Even if it hurts, even if it is not our nature, we must open ourselves to feel another person’s pain, to be part of another person’s emotions. This is the only way we can have the strength to triumph and be victorious over the negative force within us that is constantly trying to bring us down.

What is going on in the world, what we read about daily in the news, what we are experiencing in our lives—all this is happening because we need to awaken within ourselves the heart of the lion, which says that with respect for the human dignity of all persons, we can be a part of the Creator's Light.

This is what we need to strive for above all else—not only in the month of Leo but forever.

Chodesh Tov!
