At the Service of a Greater Good


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Kabbalistische Astrologie-Horoskop-Lesung

Das astrologische Horoskop hilft uns, unsere Seele kennenzulernen und den Erfahrungen, die wir machen, den Menschen, die wir kennen, der Arbeit, die wir tun, und den Weggabelungen mehr Bedeutung und ein besseres Verständnis zu geben.

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At the Service of a Greater Good

Yael Yardeni
Oktober 17, 2017
Gefällt mir 1 Kommentare 1 Teilen

We are entering the lunar month of Scorpio—some of us with excitement and some of us with dread! Scorpio doesn’t have the best reputation; the name the month was given by the Sefer Yetzirah (“Book of Formation”) is Mar Cheshvan—bitter Cheshvan!

However, on October 11th, Jupiter enters this intense sign, a phenomenon that occurs every 12 years. (The cycles of Jupiter actually follow the Chinese year!) This makes the month of Scorpio a lot more powerful and meaningul this year. As we know, Jupiter is the expander, the magnifier, and the blessing of our solar system.

The sign of Scorpio is ruled by Mars, and co-ruled by Pluto. Jupiter in Scorpio is imbued with the intensity of both planets, and will magnify their effects! How so? This month, planet Mars helps us receive an extraordinary drive to achieve things, to place the bar higher in our lives. Pettiness and small annoyances are washed away by magnaninous Jupiter. We still see the flaws and areas of our lives that are not functional, but it becomes clear they are attached to a bigger picture. Scorpio energy acts as a laser beam, helping us uproot the core of the issue, and that’s great news.

Since Scorpio energy causes us to be a bit sensitive and dramatic at times, we should avoid taking remarks or comments too personally, making a mountain out of a mole hill! In addition, Mars is connected to health and vitality. Jupiter will increase both with a twist: beware of weight gain or overindulging in food or pleasures! This will affect the whole year to come. The best course of action is to increase metabolism with more movements. Take the stairs instead of the elevator or walking more. All ideas are welcome!

The Jupiter-Pluto interaction is deeper and more settled. On a personal note, we may refelect a lot about life and death. Perhaps, you are at the end of a certain cycle in life, or feel limited by certain circumstances. Many deep questions will resurface about your mission in life, and what you really stand for. These questions are brought to light because Scorpio has the power of sight. This time, we can unblock EVERTHING. This is a very powerful force for change.

We know the sign of Scorpio is a mixture of water (external energy) and fire (internal energy)—two completely opposite forces. With Jupiter in the mix, the transformation we undergo is literally through fire and water, like metal being shaped and refined. It’s a great push to ascend beyond our present state of consciousness, heal the past, and raise like a phoenix.

On a global note, Jupiter in Scorpio can make the economy spike. However, what is not solid and real will not continue. In 2005, Jupiter was also in Scorpio. That year we experienced hurricane Katrina, real estate went up, then down, but things became more real and more clear. Even if we didn’t like it! Issues regarding the wrong use of power or war will also surface in order to be challenged and changed. So, there’s a lot to think about and a lot to do!

What should we take home? This month, we should use our eyes, our ears, and very little of our mouths to grow and expand. Look inward with a magnifing glass to discover the greater good we are each capable of. More importantly, we should seek the truth, pick a side, and make a difference. The cosmos is empowering us in ways we never thought could happen! Get ready for a lot of powerful surprises and plenty of discomfort (sorry, earth signs!), all the while knowing we will be molded like a mighty sword at the service of a greater good!

Chodesh tov, everyone!



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