Astrology Forecast for the Month of Scorpio 2022


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Astrology Forecast for the Month of Scorpio 2022

Ruth Nahmias
Oktober 21, 2022
Gefällt mir 20 Kommentare Teilen

A Different Lesson

On the 25th of October, we will experience a New Moon in Scorpio. The month of Scorpio is called Mar-Cheshvan, which means "bitter Cheshvan" in Hebrew. However, it can be transformed into Ram Cheshvan, which means "elevated Cheshvan." Our job throughout the month is to transform that which is bitter into something sweet, that which is lowly into lofty. It takes a strong consciousness and self-control to achieve this transformation.

Scorpio is the eighth month on the lunar calendar, and it is ruled by the planet Mars. This lunar month of Scorpio is incredibly important as the New Moon is combined with a solar eclipse and is aligned very closely to Venus. This partial solar eclipse in Scorpio conjunct Venus, while connected to the South Node, inaugurates the second eclipse season of 2022. This eclipse represents our karmic past. It is a time to let go of old and unprocessed emotions and allow a new beginning to take place. It’s a journey of emotional intensity, tenacity, and rawness, during which we may find ourselves uncovering the most unconscious intentions and motivations.

All planets traveling through Scorpio will oppose Uranus in Taurus, creating an interesting dynamic. Uranus’ energy is set this month to unveil what’s dark and hidden. This is an incredibly driven New Moon that won’t take no for an answer. It is a time of deep transformation. This is where we let go of what no longer sustains growth, so we can rise again, stronger and wiser.

This New Moon is followed by a full moon on November 8th, opposing a total lunar eclipse in Taurus. As you may know, November 8th is also the midterm election in the United States. The energy through the lunar eclipse is about working through this deep transformation process. True power has nothing to do with control. Rather, it is about having the inner strength to stand up for ourselves. There will always be things we can’t control, and true strength is not about getting our way but about handling whatever comes our way. This lunar eclipse and full moon on the midterm election day will be one of digging deep to find the truth. It will also lead to great changes.

Ready or not, this lunar eclipse asks you to shift. There will be a big awakening. The New Moon in Scorpio is exactly opposite Uranus, the planet of the unexpected. Think of it as a new playground! Whatever has been lurking in the back of your mind will now come to the surface, because situations and emotions can no longer be held back. As Uranus conjunct the North Node, the energy nudges us to look forward into the future and not let the past hold us up. This month, whenever in doubt, look forward. What may feel like uncomfortable and unwelcome changes may be your best opportunity yet.

This month is not a time to get out there and make big changes. This is a time to sit still and listen to your soul. What can you no longer ignore? At the deepest level, your soul is simply inviting you to learn a different lesson. What once worked for you won’t work anymore. In other words, to stay in harmony with your higher self and the universe, you need to start doing things differently.

READ: A Monthly Guide for Parents: Scorpio
