Astrology Forecast for the Month of Pisces 2023


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Astrology Forecast for the Month of Pisces 2023

Ruth Nahmias
Februar 19, 2023
Gefällt mir 13 Kommentare 1 Teilen

On February 21st, 2023, we will experience one of the most meaningful New Moons of the year.

Pisces is the cosmic womb of creation. Anything—absolutely anything—is possible in this magical space where the past, present, and future collide. There is this old adage about Pisces: “If you can dream it, you can do it.” This is the month to put manifestation into practice.

The New Moon in Pisces is conjunct Saturn. And this New Moon comes to challenge our doubts. The first thing to know is that we don’t know everything. Understanding that we don’t know everything releases us from the structures and the rules of being in control (a result of Saturn in Pisces). This can automatically open our minds to opportunities we would not have seen otherwise, giving us the “how-to” framework to turn our dreams into Saturnian realities.

During the New Moon in Pisces, the whole universe conspires to make your dreams a reality. All you have to do is believe. Doing so allows the universe to manifest. That’s the work of Saturn this month. Saturn will move into Pisces on March 7th and stay there for nearly three years. But we will feel the uneasy interplay of Pisces (Neptunian) and Saturn energies for quite a bit longer.
Saturn and Neptune are going to be dancing with each other for the next six years. This year is our introduction to this energy.

Saturn in Pisces means coming to terms with the realities of life and how to manifest our goals. Saturn represents reality, structure, and rules. Pisces is the opposite: it’s about spirituality, compassion, and inspiration. Saturn is not very comfortable in Pisces! It’s going to do what it always does: push reality up close so we can get a good look. “Get real, my friends,” says Saturn in Pisces. “Time to connect to your inner strength and look at life with the eyes of the soul through the lens of this new reality.”

Saturn can restrict the areas ruled by the sign it moves through. But it can also redefine and reshape them toward great accomplishments. With Saturn in Pisces, we can have a crisis of faith, so to speak. The years 2023 through 2026 can be redefining for spirituality or religion. And… Saturn’s energy brings many blessings, too. It brings us back to reality, highlights where we may have become too complacent, and helps us bring chaos into order. That's a huge positive!

Saturn-Neptune aspects historically bring a rise in social movements (and Pluto moves into Aquarius in 2023, too, reinforcing the same theme). There is always a silver lining with Saturn energy! It can temporarily take away what we have started to take for granted. This can serve as a big wake-up call. It forces us to redefine or rebuild areas of our lives where we have doubts, leading to great advancement and breakthroughs.

Take advantage of this month’s Saturn in Pisces energy to create and achieve a lasting structure for our goals and dreams.

READ: A Monthly Guide for Parents: Pisces

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