Astrology Forecast for May 28-June 3, 2023


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Kabbalistische Astrologie-Horoskop-Lesung

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Astrology Forecast for May 28-June 3, 2023

Gefällt mir 13 Kommentare 2 Teilen

This week we receive the support we need to prevent failures of many kinds. Often, we fail in life because we do not remember the mistakes we’ve made in the past, whether we’ve hurt someone or said things we regret. We may promise not to do it again, but we forget and fall into the same cycle of negativity once more. It is like ordering a dish at a restaurant, not liking it, then ordering it again the next time you eat there.

The energy of this week can help us avoid those mistakes.

We are in the first quarter of the month, and we have just passed the cosmic window of time that allows us to connect to circuitry and continuity in each aspect of our lives. The sun in Gemini squares Saturn in Pisces, and this can help us take responsibility and be accountable. This aspect can present itself as a problem to be solved. Remember that we achieve progress and growth by going out of the box to find creative solutions to situations and challenges.

The moon is in Virgo until Monday afternoon, which increases the earth element in the cosmos, together with Jupiter blessing the sign of Taurus, Mercury, and Uranus. This week is a good time to manifest projects and take care of business, but we should be careful not to go too deep into the physical realm. If we are too consumed by the physical world, we can experience depression and stagnation.

The moon moves to Libra on Monday, making Memorial Day in the US a good day to rest. There is a mutual reception between Venus and the moon on Monday. Spend the day with loved ones and deepen romantic relationships. This energy can prompt us to observe our relationships in a realistic way, awakening true love and empathy. Venus in Cancer increases those abilities. Next week, Venus will move to Leo and make our romantic lives full of expression and (perhaps) drama.

On Wednesday, the almost full moon moves to Scorpio. Scorpio and Gemini are not the best of friends because Scorpio is deep and quiet, while Gemini is more social and superficial. Time to get inner balance—use the amazing power of your breath to bring awareness and space. Allow things to happen. The moon will conjunct the South Node, which can amplify the drama. Take things in proportion. If you are prone to feelings of revenge, go out and share with others. Volunteer or think of ways to commit to transformational sharing.

READ: A Monthly Guide for Parents: Gemini 2023

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